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react-path-marker License: MIT npm version Demo: Simple Example

A simple, free marker for svgs with optional text The component detects the SVG and Path locations/sizes. The component also detects the display text width of the marker. Based on that information a calculation is done so that the rendering of the marker will be optimized and correctly oriented.

Note: In SVG, the rendering order is based on the document order. I.e. the first elements in the SVG document fragment getting "painted" first. Subsequent elements are painted on top of previously painted elements. To avoid issues with path elements rendered on top of markers, please place all markers below all content path elements.


Click here for live demo.


In order to install, run the following command:

$ npm install react-path-marker --save


A very simple `App.tsx' example:

import React from "react"
import "./App.css"
import { PathMarker } from "react-path-marker" // import the package

function App() {

  const svgRef = React.createRef<SVGSVGElement>()
  const pathRef = React.createRef<SVGCircleElement>()

  return (
    < div className="App" >
      < div className="Main">
        <svg width="400" height="400" ref={svgRef}>
          <circle cx={50} cy={50} r={50} fill="red" ref={pathRef} />
          <PathMarker svgRef={svgRef} pathRef={pathRef} colro={"red"} borderColor={"blue"}/>

export default App


The following parameters are passed to the marker component:

Prop Type Description
svgRef React.RefObject Mandatory. A React reference object to the SVG element
pathRef React.RefObject Mandatory. A React reference object to the path element bounded to the marker
markerRef React.RefObject Optional. A React reference object to the marker itself. Default: new reference
borderColor string Optional. Color for marker border. Default: "black"
color string Optional. Color for marker background. Default: "black"


  • pathRef must be a valid reference to a path element. There are a number of such types such as SVGRectElement, SVGCircleElement, etc.
  • The SVG rendering should be such that all the marker elelments are at the bottom of the SVG definition, and specifically, after the path elements. Otherwise, there is a risk of paths overlaping markers.




A simple, free marker for svgs with optional text







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