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QFuzz: Quantitative Fuzzing for Side Channels

This repository provides the tool and the evaluation subjects for the paper "QFuzz: Quantitative Fuzzing for Side Channels" accepted for the technical track at ISSTA'2021. A pre-print of the paper is available here.

Authors: Yannic Noller and Saeid Tizpaz-Niari.

The repository includes:

Docker Image

A pre-built version of QFuzz is also available as Docker image:

docker pull yannicnoller/qfuzz
docker run -it --rm yannicnoller/qfuzz

We recommend to use Docker's volume feature to connect the docker container to the own file system so that QFuzz's results can be easily accessed. Furthermore, we recommend to run scripts in an own screen session so that the results can be observed during execution.


QFuzz is built on top of the fuzzer DifFuzz, a differential fuzzer to detect side-channel vulnerabilities. QFuzz extends the capabilities by enabling a quantitative analysis based on min entropy to evaluate the strength of side channels. Both QFuzz and DifFuzz use the fuzzing framework of Kelinci by Rody Kersten, wich interfaces AFL with Java bytecode.

The folder tool contains the source code for the fuzzing approach structured in three subfolders:

  1. afl-2.51b-qfuzz the extended version of AFL,
  2. fuzzerside the interface program to connect to Java bytecode, and
  3. instrumentor our custom Kelinci version, which includes the code for instrumentation and partitioning


  • Git, Ant, Build-Essentials, Gradle
  • Java JDK = 1.8
  • Python3, Numpy Package
  • recommended: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS

How to install QFuzz

(Note: If you use the pre-built Docker image, the tool is already built and ready to use so that you can skip this section.)

If you want to build the tool manually, we provide a script to simply build everything. But please read first the explanations below.

The folder tool contains 3 subfolders:

  • afl-2.51b-qfuzz: Kelinci, and hence also QFuzz, is using AFL as the underlying fuzzing engine. Kelinci leverages a server-client architecture to make AFL applicable to Java applications, please refer to the Kelinci poster-paper for more details. In order to make it easy for the users, we provide our complete modified AFL variant in this folder. Note that we only modified the file afl-fuzz.c. For our experiments we have used afl-2.51b. Please build AFL by following their instructions. Although the make command should be enough.

  • fuzzerside: This folder includes the interface program to connect the Kelinci server to the AFL fuzzer. Simply use make to compile the interface.c file. If there is an error, you will have to modify the Makefile according to your system setup.

  • instrumentor: This folder includes the Kelinci server and the instrumentor written in Java. The instrumentor is used to instrument the Java bytecode, which is necessary to add the coverage reporting and other metric collecting for the fuzzing. Additionally, the instrumentor project also includes the source code for our partition algorithms. The Kelinci server handles requests from AFL to execute a mutated input on the application. Both are included in the same Gradle project. Therefore, you can simply use gradle build to build them.

As already mentioned, we have provided a script to build everything. Please execute to trigger that. Note that depending on your execution environment, you may want to modify this script. We tested our scripts on a Ubuntu Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS machine.

cd tool


The folder evaluation contains 3 subfolders:

  • results: the summarized evaluation results and the generated plots,
  • scripts: all scripts necessary to prepare and run the experiments, and
  • subjects: all evaluation subjects presented in our paper.

After having QFuzz installed, you can navigate to the folder evaluation/scripts and run the script to build and instrument all subjects (it will run ~3 minutes). We recommend to first ensure that all previous results are cleaned, for which you can use the script Note that you may want to store results from previous runs at a different location.

cd evaluation/scripts

Getting Started with an example

After succesfully installed QFuzz and prepared the evaluation subjects, you can try a simple example to check the basic functionality of QFuzz. Therefore, we prepared a simple run script for the Blazer login unsafe subject. It represents an unsafe password comparison algorithm, which eventually leaks the complete password via a timing side-channel. You can find the run script here: evaluation/scripts/ We have constructed all run scripts in the way that the compartment in the beginning defines the run configurations:


number_of_runs=1 # 1 repetitions
time_bound=300 # 300 sec = 5 min
step_size_eval=1 # every 1 seconds (for reporting)


declare -a subjects=(

K=100 # maximum number of partitions


The variable number_of_runs defines how often each experiment is repeated. While in the complete evaluation we repeated every experiment n=30 times, for this example, we will just execute it once. time_bound defines the timeout for the experiment, which is here just t=300 seconds (5 mins); in our experiments it is 30 minutes by default. step_size_eval is only for reporting and defines the time step size s for parsing AFL's output. The variable driver can be either set to Driver_Greedyor Driver_KDynamic depending on which partition algorithm to use (default is the Greedy algorithm). The array subjects includes the names of all subjects, in this case only blazer_login_unsafe, and finally, the variable K denotes the maximum number of partitions.

To run the example, you can leave everything unchanged and just execute the script:

cd evaluation/scripts

During the execution, which will take 5 mins in this example, the following steps will happen in background:

  1. the folder fuzzer-out-1 will be created in evaluation/subjects/blazer_login_unsafe/, to store the AFL output and the log files (you can check this immediately)
  2. the Kelinci server will be started (see the log file fuzzer-out-1/server-log.txt), it should start with:
Fuzzer runs handler thread started.
Server listening on port 7007
Connection established.

(if there was a problem with starting the server, it will be shown here, e.g., when the port 7007 is not available)

  1. the custom AFL will be started, which is visible by the newly created blazer_login_unsafe/fuzzer-out-1/afl folder and blazer_login_unsafe/fuzzer-out-1/afl-log.txt log file; afl holds AFL's internal files that will be later parsed to create the reports; afl-log.txt represents AFL's output, which is usually shown in dynamic terminal window (the dashboard of AFL), but in a static text form is not really usable. The file can be used to check whether AFL is running.

During the analysis time there is not much to observe: one can check the server-log.txt to see the output of the analysis driver and in total there should be two processes running in background: one Java process for the Kelinci server, and the afl-fuzz process. Additionally, one can check the fuzzing queue of AFL for newly added input files: blazer_login_unsafe/fuzzer-out-1/afl/queue. The file blazer_login_unsafe/fuzzer-out-1/afl/path_costs.csv shows important statistics after the afl-fuzz process is terminated.

After 5 minutes the script will automatically stop all processes, parse AFL's output, and produce the summary: blazer_login_unsafe/fuzzer-out-results-n=1-t=300-s=1.csv. The output on the terminal should be:

Run QFuzz on the 'Blazer login unsafe' subjects...
[1/1] Run fuzzing for blazer_login_unsafe, round 1 ..

The content of fuzzer-out-results-n=1-t=300-s=1.csv should be similar as follows:


absolute max #partition: 17
max delta for absolute max #partition: 2.0

time partition>1:
6.00 (+/- 0.00)



time local max #partition: 82.00 (+/- 0.00)
time absolute max #partition: 82.00 (+/- 0.00)
min time absolute max #partition: 82


After 300 seconds (5 mins), we can see that 17 partitions (see #partitions=[17]) have been identified, that matches the length of the secret in this case + one partition of the empty secret. But note that depedending on the available computational power, 5 minutes might not be enough to identify all 17 partitions in your experiments. If you observe less than 17 partitions, you can either increase the timeout (time_bound) or perform multiple experiments (number_of_runs). In general, be aware that the fuzzing approach uses random mutations and therefore it is necessary to repeat the experiments to get reliable results. For the paper, we executed each subject for 30 minutes, that is time_bound=1800 (only exception for the MaxLeak experiments). We repeated each experiment 30 times (number_of_runs=30) and reported the averaged results.

Complete Evaluation Reproduction

In order to reproduce our evaluation completely, we provide the instructions and scripts for each Table in our paper.

Execution Comments

You can stop the scripts by using CTRL-C. Be aware that it is necessary to start the scripts in their folder, otherwise the paths used in the scripts won't match. After manually stopping a script, you need to make sure that the processes triggered are also stopped. Feel free to reuse our scripts to build your own execution environment, e.g., to stop the analysis after a certain timebound or run multiple instances of the same analysis repeatedly.

Table 1: Jetty + Leak Set + Apache WSS4J (5 seeds)

The QFuzz results for the Jetty, Leak Set, and Apache WSS4J subjects (shown in Table 1) can be obtained with the script evaluation/scripts/ The script will execute all subjects, each with 30 minutes timeout, and will repeat each experiment 30 times. Since there are 60 subjects (already inclusive the 5 seeds, we have separate folders for each seed value), the script will approximately run for 30 * 30 * 60 = 54000 minutes = 900 hours. The scripts needs to be executed for both partition algorithms: Greedy and KDynamic. Therefore, the overall execution time will be 900 hours * 2 = 1800 hours = 75 days.

If you want to shorten the overall analysis time to just get a glimpse on the results, we recommend to:

  • pick specific subjects by removing the others from the scripts or add a # in the beginning of the line to comment them
  • reduce the number of experiment repetitions (we recommend to do at least 5 repetitions each to get reliable results)
  • reduce the execution time (we recommend to do at least 10 minutes)
cd evaluation/scripts

For each subject, there will be a <subject>/fuzzer-out-results-n=<chosenNo.Repetitions>-t=<chosenTimeoutInSec>-s=30.csv file generated that holds the summarized experiment results (already combining the repetitions, but not the different seeds). To obtain the combined results for the different seeds, you need to use the script evaluation/scripts/

For example, if you want to combine the results from Eclipse_jetty_1 with epsilon=1 and its 5 experiments with different seeds, you first need to execute experiments for: Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_1, Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_2, Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_3, Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_4, and Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_5.

And then, use the python script to combine the experiment for the different seeds:

cd evaluation/scripts
python3 ../subjects Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1 5 30 1800 3

The parameters 5 30 1800 3 denote:

  • 5 seeds (suffixes for the folders _1, _2, ...),
  • 30 experiment repetitions,
  • 1800 seconds experiment timeout, and
  • 3 as step size for reporting.

The resulting Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1-results-m=5-n=30-t=1800-s=3.csv file can be used to compare the numbers in Table 1.

To compare the produced results with Table 1, you need to check the following values:

  • p_max (means the maximum number of partitions over all runs/repetitions): in the .csv file this is the first value below the table seqeuence of average values, indicated with absolute max #partition:
  • delta_max (means the delta value corresponding to p_max): in the .csv file this is the value below d_max, indicated with max delta for absolute max #partition:
  • Time(s) QFuzz, p>1 (means the average time when QFuzz finds more than one partition): in the .csv file this is indicated with time partition>1: and is located below the delta_max value
  • Time(s) QFuzz, p_max (means the average time to reach p_max): in the .csv file this is indicated with time absolute max #cluster:
  • Time(s) QFuzz, t_{pmax}^{min} (means the minimum time needed to reach p_max): in the .csv file this is indicated with min time absolute max #cluster:

Figure 2: Computation Time - Greedy vs KDynamic

The left part of Figure 2 shows a boxplot comparing the computation times of Greedy and KDynamic partitioning. We conducted this experiment using all generated inputs files from the Apache WSS4J subjects. Therefore, in order to re-produce the boxplot, you first need to re-run these experiments (see previous Section).

Assuming you have somewhere the experiment results in the sub-folders:


We prepared a simple Java program to run only the clustering: evaluation/subjects/apache_wss4j/src/ The corresponding bytecode should have been already prepared with the initial preparation of all subjects. Please nagivate to the folder evaluation/subjects/apache_wss4j and run this Java class.

cd evaluation/subjects/apache_wss4j
java -cp "bin-instr:lib/*" ClusterComparison <absolute-path-to-subjects-folders> > output.txt

The parameter <absolute-path-to-subjects-folders> means the absolute path to the parent folder of apache_wss4j_1, apache_wss4j_2, ... . For example, in the docker, the parameter should be /root/qfuzz/evaluation/subjects.

The Java program will produce the terminal output relayed to the file output.txt. There you can find the timing information on the bottom of the file. In our case:






To get the statistical information about the boxplot diagram, we prepared the python script: evaluation/scripts/

cd evaluation/scripts

In case you want to use the timing information from your experiments, copy the executionTimeGreedyList to the greedy variable (line 45 of and executionTimeKDynamicList to the dynamic variable (line 47 of

The script will print the boxplot information on the terminal.



To generate the actual plot, we provide a LaTeX template evaluation/scripts/plots_boxplot.tex. Please transfer the obtained information from the python script to the LaTeX script. The pre-filled information represent the values from our experiments. Then, you can simply build the .pdf file with:

cd evaluation/scripts
pdflatex plots_boxplot.tex

The resulting plot can be examined in the generated plots_boxplot.pdf file. It should match the plot on the left of Figure 2. Our generated pdf can be found here: plots_boxplot.pdf

Figure 2: Plots - Eclipse Jetty 1 Greedy

The plot in the middle of Figure 2 shows the plots for the temporal development of the Greedy partitioning with 5 different seed inputs for Eclipse Jetty 1 (epsilon=1).

Assuming that you already executed the experiments for Eclipse Jetty 1 (epsilon=1) for Greedy, and you have stored the folders:


Note: we recommend storing these folders in a separte location from where the experiments have been executed. By duplicating the folders and changing their names, you can make sure that the original experiments are still available, in case you mistakenly override some of the files in the following process.

To generate the plot, you first need to generate the combined summaries for each partitioning algorithm:

cd evaluation/scripts/
python3 <path-to-experiments-results>/Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_Greedy_1/fuzzer-out- 30 1800 3
python3 <path-to-experiments-results>/Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_Greedy_2/fuzzer-out- 30 1800 3
python3 <path-to-experiments-results>/Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_Greedy_3/fuzzer-out- 30 1800 3
python3 <path-to-experiments-results>/Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_Greedy_4/fuzzer-out- 30 1800 3
python3 <path-to-experiments-results>/Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_Greedy_5/fuzzer-out- 30 1800 3

The * means that it only will generate the table with the temporal development without reporting the additional information on the bottom of the .csv file.

The above commands should generate 5 files:


Note that previous fuzzer-out- results files might be overriden.

Afterward, you can generate the LaTeX code for the plots, for which we provide the script evaluation/scripts/

cd evaluation/scripts/
python3 <path-to-experiments-results>/Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_Greedy 5 30 1800 3 <output-dir-latex-files>

The above commands should generate four files at the specified location:


The .csv files contain the data, the .tex files contain the corresponding LaTeX code for the Figures. Since the plot in the paper only shows the data for the number of partitions, you can ignore the *_delta.* files.

To generate the actual plot, we provide a LaTeX template evaluation/scripts/plots_5seeds_greedy.tex. The easiest would be just to copy this file to the location of the generated .tex and .csv file. Otherwise you can also modify the path in the plots_5seeds_greedy.tex.

Assuming that you have copied the plots_5seeds_greedy.tex the location of the generated .tex and .csv file, you generate the .pdf file with the plot with the following command:

pdflatex plots_5seeds_greedy.tex

The resulting plot can be examined in the generated plots_5seeds_greedy.pdf file. It should match the plot in the middle of Figure 2. Note that in the paper, we show a smaller variant of it, so the axis scaling can be different. Our generated PDF can be found here: evaluation/results/plots_5seeds_greedy.pdf

Figure 2: Plots - Eclipse Jetty 1: KDynamic vs. Greedy

The plot on the right of Figure 2 shows the plots for the temporal development of the Greedy and KDynamic partitioning with 5 different seed inputs combined for Eclipse Jetty 1 (epsilon=1).

Assuming that you already executed the experiments for Eclipse Jetty 1 (epsilon=1) for Greedy and KDynamic, and you have stored the folders:

Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_Greedy_1   Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_KDynamic_1
Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_Greedy_2   Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_KDynamic_2
Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_Greedy_3   Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_KDynamic_3
Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_Greedy_4   Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_KDynamic_4
Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_Greedy_5   Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_KDynamic_5

To generate the plot, you first need to generate the combined summaries for each partitioning algorithm:

cd evaluation/scripts/
python3 <path-to-experiments-results> Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_Greedy 5 30 1800 3
python3 <path-to-experiments-results> Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1_KDynamic 5 30 1800 3

The * means that it only will generate the table with the temporal development without reporting the additional information on the bottom of the .csv file.

The above commands should generate two files:


Afterward, you can generate the LaTeX code for the plots, for which we provide the script evaluation/scripts/

cd evaluation/scripts/
python3 <path-to-experiments-results> Eclipse_jetty_1_eps1 5 30 1800 3 <output-dir-latex-files>

The above commands should generate four files at the specified location:


The .csv files contain the data, the .tex files contain the corresponding LaTeX code for the Figures. Since the plot in the paper only shows the data for the number of partitions, you can ignore the *_delta.* files.

To generate the actual plot, we provide a LaTeX template evaluation/scripts/plots_greedy_kdynamic.tex. The easiest would be just to copy this file to the location of the generated .tex and .csv file. Otherwise you can also modify the path in the plots_greedy_kdynamic.tex.

Assuming that you have copied the plots_greedy_kdynamic.tex the location of the generated .tex and .csv file, you generate the .pdf file with the plot with the following command:

pdflatex plots_greedy_kdynamic.tex

The resulting plot can be examined in the generated plots_greedy_kdynamic.pdf file. It should match the plot on the right of Figure 2. Note that in the paper, we show a smaller variant of it, so the axis scaling can be different. Our generated PDF can be found here: evaluation/results/plots_greedy_kdynamic.pdf

Table 2: Blazer experiments

The QFuzz results for the Blazer subjects (shown in Table 2) can be obtained with the script evaluation/scripts/ For some of the Blazer subjects we had to deviate from the default K value (see explanation in our paper), therefore, there is an array in the script defining K values specifically. For the other experiments this is not present as they simply use K=100. The script will execute all Blazer subjects, each with 30 minutes timeout, and will repeat each experiment 30 times. Since there are 22 subjects, the script will approximately run for 30 * 30 * 22 = 19800 minutes = 330 hours ~ 13.8 days. If you want to shorten the overall analysis time to just get a glimpse on the results, we recommend to:

  • pick specific subjects by removing the others from the scripts or add a # in the beginning of the line to comment them
  • reduce the number of experiment repetitions (we recommend to do at least 5 repetitions each to get reliable results)
  • reduce the execution time (we recommend to do at least 10 minutes)
cd evaluation/scripts

For each subject, there will be a <subject>/fuzzer-out-results-n=<chosenNo.Repetitions>-t=<chosenTimeoutInSec>-s=30.csv file generated that holds the summarized experiment results (already combining the repetitions). To compare the produced results with Table 2, you need to check the following values:

  • p_max (means the maximum number of partitions over all runs/repetitions): in the .csv file this is the first value below the table seqeuence of average values, indicated with absolute max #partition:
  • delta_max (means the delta value corresponding to p_max): in the .csv file this is the value below p_max, indicated with max delta for absolute max #partition:
  • Time(s) QFuzz, p>1 (means the average time when QFuzz finds more than one partition): in the .csv file this is indicated with time partition>1: and is located below the delta_max value

To check the numbers for DifFuzz, Blazer, and Themis please refer to their publication and/or artifacts. Our artifact does only reproduce the results for QFuzz.

Table 3: Themis experiments

The QFuzz results for the Themis subjects (shown in Table 3) can be obtained with the script evaluation/scripts/ The script will execute all Themis subjects, each with 30 minutes timeout, and will repeat each experiment 30 times. Since there are 23 subjects, the script will approximately run for 30 * 30 * 23 = 20700 minutes = 345 hours ~ 14.4 days. If you want to shorten the overall analysis time to just get a glimpse on the results, we recommend to the same strategy is for the Blazer experiments.

Note that the subjects themis_pac4j_* and themis_tomcat_* require a running database connection. In our experiments we used h2 databases. Please follow their instructions for setup and maybe consider our helping notes. Our fuzzing drivers for the themis_pac4j_* subjects assume a connection with url="jdbc:h2:~/pac4j-fuzz", user="sa" and password="". Furthermore they assume an existing table users (id INT, username varchar(255), password varchar(255)). Our fuzzing drivers for the themis_tomcat_* subjects assume a connection with url="jdbc:h2:~/tomcat", user="sa" password="", and an existing table users (user_name varchar(255), user_pass varchar(255)). Please make sure that your environment matches these requirements or adjust the drivers or subjects.

cd evaluation/scripts

For each subject, there will be a <subject>/fuzzer-out-results-n=<chosenNo.Repetitions>-t=<chosenTimeoutInSec>-s=30.csv file generated that holds the summarized experiment results (already combining the repetitions). To compare the produced results with Table 3, you can follow the same steps as for Table 2.

Table 4: Additional DifFuzz experiments

The QFuzz results for the DifFuzz subjects (shown in Table 4) can be obtained with the script evaluation/scripts/ The script will execute all DifFuzz subjects, each with 30 minutes timeout, and will repeat each experiment 30 times. Since there are 23 subjects, the script will approximately run for 30 * 30 * 13 = 11700 minutes = 195 hours ~ 8.1 days. If you want to shorten the overall analysis time to just get a glimpse on the results, we recommend to the same strategy is for the Blazer experiments.

cd evaluation/scripts

For each subject, there will be a <subject>/fuzzer-out-results-n=<chosenNo.Repetitions>-t=<chosenTimeoutInSec>-s=30.csv file generated that holds the summarized experiment results (already combining the repetitions). To compare the produced results with Table 4, you can follow the same steps as for Table 2.

Table 5: MaxLeak experiments

The QFuzz results for the MaxLeak subjects (shown in Table 5) can be obtained with the script evaluation/scripts/ The script will execute all presented MaxLeak subjects, each with 60 minutes timeout, and will repeat each experiment 30 times. Since there are 24 subjects, the script will approximately run for 60 * 30 * 24 = 43200 minutes = 720 hours = 30 days. If you want to shorten the overall analysis time to just get a glimpse on the results, we recommend to:

  • pick specific subjects by removing the others from the scripts or add a # in the beginning of the line to comment them
  • reduce the number of experiment repetitions (we recommend to do at least 5 repetitions each to get reliable results)
  • reduce the execution time (we recommend to do at least 30 minutes)
cd evaluation/scripts

For each subject, there will be a <subject>/fuzzer-out-results-n=<chosenNo.Repetitions>-t=<chosenTimeoutInSec>-s=30.csv file generated that holds the summarized experiment results (already combining the repetitions). To compare the produced results with Table 5, you can need to check the following values:

  • p_max (means the maximum number of partitions over all runs/repetitions): in the .csv file this is the first value below the table seqeuence of average values, indicated with absolute max #partition:
  • delta_max (means the delta value corresponding to p_max): in the .csv file this is the value below p_max, indicated with max delta for absolute max #partition:
  • Time(s) QFuzz, p>1 (means the average time when QFuzz finds more than one partition): in the .csv file this is indicated with time partition>1: and is located below the delta_max value
  • t_min (the minimum time needed to achieve p_max): in the .csv file this is indicated with min time absolute max #partition:

To check the numbers for MaxLeak please refer to their publication and/or artifacts. Our artifact does only reproduce the results for QFuzz.

General Instructions: How to apply QFuzz on new subjects

If you want to apply QFuzz on new subjects, we recommend to have a look at the existing subjects and the provided scripts for the subject preparation and experiment execution. For each subject you will find the following:

  • a src folder that holds the application code and the drivers (aka fuzzing harness) to guide the analysis
  • a in_dir folder that holds the seed inputs for the fuzzing campaign

In general, you will have to follow six steps in order to apply QFuzz for the quantification of side channels:

  1. Write the fuzzing driver: Please check our evaluation subjects for some examples.

  2. Provide an initial fuzzing input: The initial fuzzing input should be a file that does not crash the application. You can also provide multiple files.

  3. Instrument the bytecode: Assuming that your bytecode is in the bin folder, the command for instrumentation could look like: java -cp [..]/tool/instrumentor/build/libs/kelinci.jar -mode LABELS -i ./bin/ -o ./bin-instr -skipmain

  4. Starting the Kelinci server: Assuming that the fuzzing driver class is called Driver, the command for starting the Kelinci server could look like: java -cp bin-instr -K 100 Driver @@

  5. Start fuzzing by starting the modified AFL: Assuming that you have installed AFL correctly, the command for starting AFL could be like this: afl-fuzz -i in_dir -o fuzzer-out -c quantify -K 100 -S afl -t 999999999 [..]/tool/fuzzerside/interface -K 100 @@. Depending on your execution environment, you might want to add flags like: AFL_I_DONT_CARE_ABOUT_MISSING_CRASHES=1 or AFL_SKIP_CPUFREQ=1. The timeout parameter -t is set to a high value, just because that we want to kill AFL process ourself.

  6. Stop fuzzing and check results: After running AFL for a couple of minutes (the exact time depends on your execution budget, we used 30 minutes in our evaluation), you can kill the AFL process, as well as stopping the Kelinci server process. Please have a look at the file [..]/fuzzer-out/afl/path_cost.csv. It includes a list of mutated input that were considered interesting, i.e. increased overall coverage or improved the the number of partitions and delta values. You want to check the last file that is labeled with +partition. The following commmand might be helpful: cat [..]/fuzzer-out/afl/path_cost.csv | grep +partition. The last file labeled as +partition provides the maximum cost difference observed during the fuzzing run. The column #Partitions shows the observed number of partitions.

Note: between step 4 and 5 you might want to test that the Kelinci server is running correctly, by executing the initial input with the interface program. Assuming that the initial input file is located in the folder in_dir and is called example, the command could look like this: [..]/tool/fuzzerside/interface -K 100 in_dir/example.

Recommendation: In order to run and at the same time check the current results, we think it is comfortable to open a terminal with three windows: (1) for the Kelinci server, (2) for the modified AFL, and (3) to regularly check the latest +partition path_cost.csv file. During the process you may want to check window (1) for any unexpected exceptions. Make sure that the server runs and produces messages. You mostly want to check window (2), which shows the AFL status screen (check their description for more details).


  • Yannic Noller (yannic.noller at
  • Saeid Tizpaz-Niari (saeid at


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details