- ys + surround will add surround to current word
- yS + surround will add surround to current line
- ds + surround will del surround
- cs + surround1 + surround2, will replace surround1 to surround2
visual mode select some content then input (){}[]'"` will add surround
如果你不想使用默认的按键配置,你可以设置 let g:use_default_surround_config = 0, 并且自定义map
if needn't use default config, you should let g:use_default_surround_config = 0, and set maps
如果你不想使用toggle功能,你可以设置 let g:use_toggle_surround = 0
if needn't use toggle func, you should let g:use_toggle_surround = 0
default config
add、remove、update pairs
nnoremap <silent> ys :call SurroundAddPairs(SurroundGetLR())<CR>
nnoremap <silent> yS :call SurroundAddLinePairs(SurroundGetLR())<CR>
nnoremap <silent> ds :call SurroundDelPairs(SurroundGetLR())<CR>
nnoremap <silent> cs :call SurroundChangePairs(SurroundGetLR(), SurroundGetLR())<CR>
visual mode - add pairs
snoremap <silent> ' <c-g>:<c-u>call SurroundVaddPairs("'", "'")<cr>
snoremap <silent> " <c-g>:<c-u>call SurroundVaddPairs('"', '"')<cr>
snoremap <silent> ` <c-g>:<c-u>call SurroundVaddPairs('`', '`')<cr>
snoremap <silent> { <c-g>:<c-u>call SurroundVaddPairs('{', '}')<cr>
snoremap <silent> } <c-g>:<c-u>call SurroundVaddPairs('{', '}')<cr>
snoremap <silent> [ <c-g>:<c-u>call SurroundVaddPairs('[', ']')<cr>
snoremap <silent> ] <c-g>:<c-u>call SurroundVaddPairs('[', ']')<cr>
snoremap <silent> ( <c-g>:<c-u>call SurroundVaddPairs('(', ')')<cr>
snoremap <silent> ) <c-g>:<c-u>call SurroundVaddPairs('(', ')')<cr>
xnoremap <silent> ' :<c-u>call SurroundVaddPairs("'", "'")<cr>
xnoremap <silent> " :<c-u>call SurroundVaddPairs('"', '"')<cr>
xnoremap <silent> ` :<c-u>call SurroundVaddPairs('`', '`')<cr>
xnoremap <silent> { :<c-u>call SurroundVaddPairs('{', '}')<cr>
xnoremap <silent> } :<c-u>call SurroundVaddPairs('{', '}')<cr>
xnoremap <silent> [ :<c-u>call SurroundVaddPairs('[', ']')<cr>
xnoremap <silent> ] :<c-u>call SurroundVaddPairs('[', ']')<cr>
xnoremap <silent> ( :<c-u>call SurroundVaddPairs('(', ')')<cr>
xnoremap <silent> ) :<c-u>call SurroundVaddPairs('(', ')')<cr>