Jump list for your shell. It is a small binary that can be used to quickly move
between directories for very fast workflow 🚀. It works on a very simple concept
to use simple persistent key-value pair (JSON file on disk 😛) and prints the
valid cd
command on the stdout
which will be later consumed by the bash
function to cd
into that directory.
Firstly put this function in your shell config (.bashrc
or .zshrc
j() {
`jumpo-mac $*`
Then after sourcing the shell config again or restarting the terminal. You will be able to see the function.
functions | grep 'j ()'
# Last argument is the prefix string, which will be used for jumping
# Will use the directoy of execution as the location of jump.
j -add no
# To move that directory
j no
Available options are as follows:
# To add current directory to jump list with prefix
# Or use the short-hand command -a
j -add r1
# List the jumplist
# Or use the short-hand command -l
j -list
# Remove prefix from jumplist
# Or use the short-hand command -r
j -remove r1
# Move to the jump list
j r1
There is a simple Makefile present in the project which will build binaries for different platforms.