This is a nim versions of Koans - practical way to learn new language
Koans are tests that fails unless you fix them. These tests cover main features of a programming language. Via fixing tests you learn the language.
Usually the fix is around replacement of some "replace variables". The process (being pretty simple itself) needs an understanding of how language features works.
Go ahead and run nim koans, find the next "failing" one, go to the code, understand it and replace the "wrong parts" with a proper fix ;) On the way to "ALL PASSED" you will achieve enlightenment ;)
This version of koans is inspired by original ruby koans, their python version, and learnxinyminutes nim tutorial
- clone it
$ cd nim_koans
$ nim c -r path_to_enlightenment.nim
- Read output, find the part like:
Traceback (most recent call last)
- open indicated file (in this case -
), find the indicated line (in this case -5
) - meditate on problem & fix it
- rerun
$ nim c -r path_to_enlightenment.nim
- and so on... untill you make all koans PASSED.
Once you are familiar with basic nim syntax, it is recommended to improve your skills at real coding tasks (not just 'fixing tests').
The most close to koans in context of "working in real local code environment" style is project. Install it and execute exercism fetch nimrod
to get available nim problems to be solved.
In case you want to see the full list of failed koans, change:
unittest.abortOnError = true
unittest.abortOnError = false
in path_to_enlightenment.nim
Nim koans development is "in progress" and still needs more koans to be added to cover main nim features.