SurveyApp created with Flutter and Dart I used different kind of technologies in this project:
- Firebase Auth
- Firebase Cloud
- Firebase Firestore
- GetIt
- Shared Preferences
- Google Fonts
- Hand Signature
- Image Compressing
- Image Picker
- Email Validator
User can register with his email to survey application.
In this app, user can upload a profile photo from camera or gallery.
User must provide signature at the end of each survey.
All survey data can be shown my Admin users in different panel (in app).
User can see his/her previous answers on each survey.
On database, with the image convertion and compressing methods, all signatures stored for admins.
Several technologies like getIt and sharedprefences used for cleaner code.
(IMPORTANT NOTE) This application is just for learning and practicing Flutter and Dart. One of my first practice projects.