This is the tracking of the project, just for myself
- Global Itens/Inventory - Save itens types and inventory
- Global Character - Save character, types of players, npcs and monsters
- Global Map - Save data of the map
- Action Buttons - show the list of attacks, specials and itens avaliable
- Timer Counter - count the time for player action
- Generate Players and Enemies - create the number of players and insert to battle
- Select Target - depending of the type of the action, the player can select the target, just 1 target
- Generate map
- Tile can have actions when clicked
- Npc talk and can input actions and options
- List itens
- List itens equipped
- Show item detail on click
- Remove Item equipped
- Equip item
- Show map
- Drag
- Show map itens, name of the place
- Create real data for the game
- Damage
- Get list of actions from itens equipped
- Button Defense
*NPC Animation, movement
- Quests
- SaveGame
- Change the skills when equip item
- Change attributes from equipped itens
- Create the item City with details
- Button Travel To
- Save city data and load when change the city
- Later
- Pay to identify itens
- Random item generator, every time the color of the item change and there is a different action
- Npcs randomize in different places everytime you play the history
- Permadeath
- Generate different Cities
- Different reallity game. You have to solve the case in one of the alternative realities. Everytime you die, you play in another version of the world.
- Not Linear Story