Royella is a hotel booking platform. Here users can book their preferred room on a specific date and there they can provide their valuable comments about the room.
- This website has a nice navbar which includes Home, Rooms, About, Contact, Login and hotel logo. A footer is included. These two i.e. navbar and footer are each connected to the root.
- Added a banner on home page, hotel location, 6 featured rooms, newsletter and previous user reviews in an attractive modal.
- Registrar and login page has also been added to the website. And also provided a protected route for room details, booking and review. This user cannot access the above routes without logging in or registering.
- There are a total 10 rooms in the rooms section of the website. By clicking on the card or image of each room, the details of the preferred room can be seen. The room details page has a react day picker along with the room details information. There the user can book a room by selecting a specific day. And that booking room can be seen in the My booking section.
- In the My booking section the booking room as well as the date of that room can be updated and deleted. Also a user can give a review of the room booked by him.