- Talaria: API Management Solution for small/medium-sized organizations
- DMZ - Drama, Movie, and Zido: Movie, TV Series, and staff archiving web service
- WeHee: MBTI-based love relationship community
- WeHeeDocs: Documentations of WeHee Project
- COVID_Project is the main project of mine which is predicting the number of infected people with COVID-19
- GazeProject is the first project I was involved in the lab. It aims to figure out what the human eye gaze means.
- Survey, survey on AutoML. We don't update anymore.
- SolarPowerPrediction for predicting generated solar power from solar panels with various feature dataset
- AnomalyCableDetection, detecting outlier cable from cable tension dataset
- COVID_Project
- AutoCOVID19(private) for predicting the number of COVID-19 infected people using ConvLSTM and AutoML
- COVIDConvLSTM(private) for predicting the number COVID-19 infected people using ConvLSTM
- DeepNIPA(private) for solving SIRD model using NeuralODE and LSTM
- NIPA for emplementing NIPA model
- SIRD epidemic model
- R0_Estimation for estimating r0, rt values
- COVID_DataProcessor for preprocessing dataset for DeepNIPA(private), NIPA, SIRD, and R0_Estimation
- COVID_Evaluation(private) for visualizing and evaluating model performances of DeepNIPA(private), NIPA, and SIRD
- GazeProject
- GazeTracker for tobii tracker
- GazeTrackerGame, game using Tobii tracker
- I-VTFilter for implementing I-VT filter
- OurChef for recommending recipes based on ingredients the user has
- SeoulThePlace, an android app for recommending travel course in Seoul
- Whisperer, an android app for navigating inside subway stations for the blind
- Whisperer-navigation-for-the-blind, an android app for navigating inside subway stations for the blind
- Fishing_Phishing_Android, an android app for catching scam phone calls
- TicTacToe, console program
- Command, windows command program (console)
- EnSharpLibrary, library management program (console)
- EnsharpPortal, a management program for signing up for classes (console)
- ImageSearch, image searching program (GUI)
- Calculator, gui program
- EnsharpSignUpProgram, sign up program (GUI)
- WindowsExplorer, gui program
- DrawingBoard, gui program