Pelitrack is an applicaiton built following the recommendations for Android architecture to discover the most popular movies and series listed on TMDB. The goal is to combine the concepts learned throughout the Android development course and the Android practice examples listed in this repository.
This applicaiton showcases:
- Material Design 3 theming and Material You dynamic color.
- UI state management with StateFlow.
- Layered architecture following MVVM.
- Integration with Architecture Components: Navigation, Composables, ViewModel, Screens.
- Use of Retrofit for HTTP calls and Coil for image loading.
- Asynchronous operations with Kotlin Coroutines for improved performance.
- List the most popular movies.
- List the most popular series.
- Save your favorite series and movies.
- Information screen for movie and serie.
You need to have:
- Android Studio installed.
- An API key from TMDB.
You might have to install the right Android SDK via Tools/SDK Manager first.
- Clone the repository.
- Open Android Studio and navigate to the pelitrack directory.
- Pair your phone over Wi-FI or using USB following on screen instruction.
- Click the
â–¶ Run
button to build and run the application.
In case you experience lag when running the application, please select Release version build in step number 4.