This repository contains code samples from my TypeScript Essentials presentation. To run these code samples download Node.js from (use the latest version) and install it. Then clone or download this repo into any directory on your computer. In the command window, change into this directory and run
npm install
This will install the local version of the tsc compiler.
Then compile all the code samples into the dist dir by running the following command:
npm run tsc
You'll see one compilation error, that I don't fix for demo purposes. Ignore it.
The file tsconfig.json instructs tsc to run in the watch mode. After the compilation either CTRL-C it, or open another command window to run code samples from there.
To run any code sample located in the dist dir (e.g. fatarrow.js), run the following command from the root dir:
node dist/fatarrow.js
To run a sample Angular/TypeScript app that uses jQueryUI do the following:
npm install live-server -g
cd src/hello-world-ts-jquery