This is a library to make bitcoin address and transactions which was initially forked from hellobitcoin, and added some useful features.
GOcoin uses btcec library in btcd instead of to make it a pure GO program.
- Normaly Payment(P2PKH) supporting multi TxIns and multi TxOuts.
- Gethering unspent transaction outputs(UTXO) and send transactions by using WEB API.
- M of N multisig whose codes were partially ported from
- Micropayment Channel
This requires
- git
- go 1.3+
$ mkdir tmp
$ cd tmp
$ mkdir src
$ mkdir bin
$ mkdir pkg
$ exoprt GOPATH=`pwd`
$ go get
(This example omits error handlings for simplicity.)
import gocoin
func main(){
//make a public and private key pair.
key, _ := gocoin.GenerateKey(true)
adr, _ := key.Pub.GetAddress()
fmt.Println("address=", adr)
wif := key.Priv.GetWIFAddress()
fmt.Println("wif=", wif)
//get key from wif
wif := "928Qr9J5oAC6AYieWJ3fG3dZDjuC7BFVUqgu4GsvRVpoXiTaJJf"
txKey, _ := gocoin.GetKeyFromWIF(wif)
import gocoin
func main(){
key, _ := gocoin.GenerateKey(true)
//get unspent transactions
service := gocoin.NewBlockrService(true)
txs, _ := service.GetUTXO(adr,nil)
//Normal Payment
gocoin.Pay([]*Key{txKey}, []*gocoin.Amounts{&{gocoin.Amounts{"n2eMqTT929pb1RDNuqEnxdaLau1rxy3efi", 0.01*gocoin.BTC}}, service)
import gocoin
func main(){
key, _ := gocoin.GenerateKey(true)
service := gocoin.NewBlockrService(true)
//2 of 3 multisig
key1, _ := gocoin.GenerateKey(true)
key2, _ := gocoin.GenerateKey(true)
key3, _ := gocoin.GenerateKey(true)
rs, _:= gocoin.NewRedeemScript(2, []*PublicKey{key1.Pub, key2.Pub, key3.Pub})
//make a fund
rs.Pay([]*Key{txKey}, 0.05*gocoin.BTC, service)
//get a raw transaction for signing.
rawtx, tx, _:= rs.CreateRawTransactionHashed([]*gocoin.Amounts{&{gocoin.Amounts{"n3Bp1hbgtmwDtjQTpa6BnPPCA8fTymsiZy", 0.05*gocoin.BTC}}, service)
//spend the fund
sign1, _:= key2.Priv.Sign(rawtx)
sign2, _:= key3.Priv.Sign(rawtx)
rs.Spend(tx, [][]byte{nil, sign1, sign2}, service)
import gocoin
func main(){
service := gocoin.NewBlockrService(true)
key1, _ := gocoin.GenerateKey(true) //payer
key2, _ := gocoin.GenerateKey(true) //payee
payer, _:= gocoin.NewMicropayer(key1, key2.Pub, service)
payee, _:= gocoin.NewMicropayee(key2, key1.Pub, service)
txHash, _:= payer.CreateBond([]*Key{key1}, 0.05*BTC)
locktime := time.Now().Add(time.Hour)
sign, _:= payee.SignToRefund(txHash, 0.05*gocoin.BTC-gocoin.Fee, uint32(locktime.Unix()))
payer.SendBond(uint32(locktime.Unix()), sign) //return an error if payee's sig is invalid
signIP, _:= payer.SignToIncrementedPayment(0.001 * gocoin.BTC)
payee.IncrementPayment(0.001*gocoin.BTC, signIP) //return an error if payer's sig is invalid
//more payments
// payer.SendRefund() after locktime
payer.SendRefund() must be called after locktime.
Transactions with locktime specifying a future block or time must be held by the originating system and transmitted to the bitcoin network only after they become valid.
Improvements to the codebase and pull requests are encouraged.