Web application incorporating NASA's API Astronomy Picture of the Day. Designed and created for local community of astronomy and stargazing enthusiasts.
Link to project: https://stellar-apod.netlify.app/
Tech used: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Basic HTML tags added to check the response from the fetch request to API. Once desired properties were assigned to HTML tags, the styling of components was incorporated to dynamically display the astronomy picture of the day as the background, while ensuring text was readable. If you desire to fork the repo for your own project, make sure to grab your own API key here --> https://api.nasa.gov/
Original CSS styling only produced minimal viable product. Additional features such as the incorporation of videos can be added.
Discovered how to make use of different input methods for targeting specific query parameters in API's. Certain API keys, such as NASA's, are issued per user. It is best practice to hide sensitive data like API keys if you're going to push your local code on GitHub.