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Benchmarking L-BFGS/L-BFGS-B solvers

L-BFGS and L-BFGS-B are important optimization algorithms and have different software implementations. For example, the classical Fortran code for L-BFGS-B is one of the most stable and mature software package for this algorithm, and is the backend for the widely-used optim(method = "L-BFGS-B") function in R and scipy.optimize.minimize(method = "L-BFGS-B") in Python.

To develop new implementations of L-BFGS/L-BFGS-B, for example my LBFGS++ library, it would be helpful to see how they compare to the classical Fortran code. And to do this, we need to first find a collection of testing problems. Fortunately, we have a good choice.

CUTEst is a collection of optimization problems commonly used to test optimization algorithms and software packages. It contains both small (a few variables) and large (>50k variables) problems, and some of them come from real applications. However, installing CUTEst and linking optimization solvers to it is not a trivial task. To this end, this repository has three purposes:

  1. Documenting how to install CUTEst and related packages.
  2. Retrieving a set of problems from CUTEst for the L-BFGS and L-BFGS-B algorithms.
  3. Benchmarking both the reference and LBFGS++ solvers on the retrieved problems.

The third point has been mentioned in several issues (e.g., #23, #29) of LBFGS++, and to me it is also an important guide on the future development of LBFGS++.

Installing CUTEst

Below use the repository folder to store all the components of CUTEst, for example, /home/qyx/cutest on my machine. This can be done by cloning this repository into a local folder:

git clone --depth=1 /home/qyx/cutest

For convenience, also set an environment variable to save this path. Change the value on your machine as needed.

export CUTEST_HOME=/home/qyx/cutest

Then enter the CUTEst root folder and download its components.

git clone --depth=1 ./archdefs
git clone --depth=1 ./sifdecode
git clone --depth=1 ./cutest

We also add the three paths above to environment variables:

export ARCHDEFS=$CUTEST_HOME/archdefs
export SIFDECODE=$CUTEST_HOME/sifdecode
export CUTEST=$CUTEST_HOME/cutest

Then install the packages:


The installation program will ask you a few questions regarding your OS and software environment. See my installation log for an example.

At the end of the process, the message tells you to set the MYARCH environment variable according to your choice during the installation, for example,

export MYARCH="pc.lnx.gfo"

Selecting the problems

This section is useful if you want to retrieve the CUTEst problems by yourself. I have already packed a set of problems suitable for L-BFGS and L-BFGS-B algorithms in this compressed file. You can skip the rest of this section if you only want to work with these problems:

tar -xf cutest-problems.tar.xz

Each CUTEst problem is expressed in an SIF (Standard Input Format) file. The collection of SIF files currently available in CUTEst is given in this repository. To download these SIF files:

git clone --depth=1 ./sif

However, not all problems are suitable for L-BFGS and L-BFGS-B, so we shall take subsets of the problems according to their categories. This page lists problems that have an associated category, and the classification scheme introduces the meaning of the category code.

We essentially want unconstrained and box-constrained optimization problems with a smooth objective function and no other type of constraints. This can be achieved using the following R code:

url = ""
page = read_html(url)
tab = html_table(page)[[1]]
colnames(tab) = c("problem", "files", "code")

# Unconstrained problems
unconstr = tab %>% select(problem, code) %>%
    mutate(code = gsub(" ", "", code)) %>%
    filter(grepl("^[QSO]UR2-.+-[V0]$", code))
## # A tibble: 287 × 2
##    problem   code
##    <chr>     <chr>
##  1 AKIVA     OUR2-AN-2-0
##  2 ALLINITU  OUR2-AY-4-0
##  5 ARGLINA   SUR2-AN-V-0
##  6 ARGLINB   SUR2-AN-V-0
##  7 ARGLINC   SUR2-AN-V-0
##  9 ARWHEAD   OUR2-AN-V-0
## 10 BA-L1LS   SUR2-MN-57-0
## # ℹ 277 more rows
# Box-constrained problems
boxconstr = tab %>% select(problem, code) %>%
    mutate(code = gsub(" ", "", code)) %>%
    filter(grepl("^[QSO]BR2-.+-[V0]", code))
## # A tibble: 128 × 2
##    problem  code
##    <chr>    <chr>
##  1 3PK      SBR2-MN-30-0
##  2 ALLINIT  OBR2-AY-4-0
##  3 BDEXP    OBR2-AY-V-0
##  4 BIGGSB1  QBR2-AN-V-V
##  5 BQP1VAR  QBR2-AN-1-0
##  6 BQPGABIM QBR2-AN-50-0
##  7 BQPGASIM QBR2-AN-50-0
##  8 BQPGAUSS QBR2-AN-2003-0
##  9 CAMEL6   OBR2-AN-2-0
## # ℹ 118 more rows

Each SIF file describes an optimization problem, but it needs a decoding process to generate FORTRAN code and data files that can be compiled and run. The following R code calls the SIFDecode program we have just installed to generate decoded problem files.

# Change this to $CUTEST_HOME as needed
cutest_home = "/home/qyx/cutest"

# Set environment variables
Sys.setenv(ARCHDEFS = file.path(cutest_home, "archdefs"))
Sys.setenv(SIFDECODE = file.path(cutest_home, "sifdecode"))
Sys.setenv(CUTEST = file.path(cutest_home, "cutest"))
Sys.setenv(MASTSIF = file.path(cutest_home, "sif"))
Sys.setenv(MYARCH = "pc.lnx.gfo")

# Create problem folders
path_problems = file.path(cutest_home, "problems")
path_unconstr = file.path(path_problems, "unconstr")
path_boxconstr = file.path(path_problems, "boxconstr")

# The path to the SIF decoder
sifdecode = file.path(cutest_home, "sifdecode", "bin", "sifdecoder")
# Save old working directory
wd = getwd()

# Decode unconstrained problems
for(pr in unconstr$problem)
    # Create a subfolder under path_unconstr
    subfolder = file.path(path_unconstr, pr)
    # Change working directory to the subfolder
    # Command string
    command = paste(sifdecode, "-o 0", pr)
    # Run command
    out = system(command, intern = TRUE)
    # In case error occurs
    if(!is.null(attr(out, "status")))
        unlink(subfolder, recursive = TRUE)

# Decode box-constrained problems
for(pr in boxconstr$problem)
    # Create a subfolder under path_unconstr
    subfolder = file.path(path_boxconstr, pr)
    # Change working directory to the subfolder
    # Command string
    command = paste(sifdecode, "-o 0", pr)
    # Run command
    out = system(command, intern = TRUE)
    # In case error occurs
    if(!is.null(attr(out, "status")))
        unlink(subfolder, recursive = TRUE)

# Restore old working directory

Benchmarking the solvers

Currently I have finished the CUTEst benchmarking programs for the classical Fortran code of both L-BFGS and L-BFGS-B solvers, and also my LBFGS++ library.

To compile and run the programs:

make run > logs/run.log

Summarizing the results

Some preliminary results are given in this page. The important data are:

  1. Whether the solver fails on a specific problem (some objective functions are indeed ill-posed or ill-conditioned).
  2. Number of iterations of an algorithm.
  3. Number of function evaluations used.
  4. Which solver achieves smaller objective function values.
  5. Whether the final (projected) gradient is close to zero.

Note that the running time of solvers are NOT seriously benchmarked, as the times are based on just one run in my machine. My current priority is to ensure that LBFGS++ is "correct" and robust in most cases. Once the correctness is sufficiently justified, I would focus more on the efficiency in the future.


The benchmarking code in this repository is open source under the MIT license.

The included json.hpp file from nlohmann/json is used to export benchmarking results of this project. json.hpp is licensed under the MIT license.