It is a small program about my good friend who lives in Santa Clara. PS: It is the first time I'm using makefile to draw a colorful picture.
I draw a Santa simply by Makefile. I have five basic different colors and one no color: (1) NOC=\033[0m (no color) (2) OKC=\033[32m(ok color == green) (3) ERC=\033[31m(error color == red) (4) WAC=\033[33m(warning color == yellow) (5) GRE=\x1b[32;01m(also green color) (6) PUR=\033[94;1m(purple color)
The picture is drawing when the makefile is generating the library, so basicalliy they are generated at the same time.
The after my excutable file was generated(named: Ques_about_nian), we can type the input content as below and the program will answer the questions automatically: ./Ques_about_nian "Nian der ni zai gan sha?" ./Ques_about_nian "Nian der dian hua duo shao?" ./Ques_about_nian "Nian der neng zai jin nian zhao dao gong zuo ma?" ./Ques_about_nian "Nian der der wo hao ya zenm ban?"
All the questions are written in Chinese pinyin as well as the answers.
PS: It is a good experience to me cause I wrote all of them included error_check or different cases. Please contact me if you have any good idea.