My App’s purpose is for its users to report an environmental problem or potential environmental improvement based on their surrounding location. I think it will be useful, because environmentalists are motivated to tackle these problems like cleaning up a beach or encourage recycling and the app will help connect these people.
- Facebook based login: Users of my app will have to register through facebook and can make posts to their FB feed about what problems they see
- Asynchronously load and display a list, with edit/delete/create ability: Users will be able to keep track of a list of tasks they made
- Make use of one of the persisted storage options(CoreData, etc): I Plan on using CoreData to store CoreLocation coordinates that the user saves from the map kit
- My App will heaviy utilize MapKit and the ability to drop pins
- Able to access the Camera and take pics
- Target audience: Environmentalists! People who are very passionate about making the world greener and cleaner. I hope to have a user base that is very active and will always check on the area they are around and report any environmental problems.