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Font Generation

Method Publication Code Project Core Idea Authors
DeepVecFont SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 Link Link Dual-modality learning and Diff Rendering Yizhi Wang
LF-Font AAAI 2021 Link - components decomposition Song Park
MX-Font ECCV 2021 Link - multiple experts to represent different local concepts Song Park
MLFont ICMR 2021 Link - deep meta learning Xu Chen
DG-font CVPR 2021 Link - Deformable generative networks Yangchen Xie
ZiGAN MM 2021 - - Few-shot calligraphy font generation Qi Wen, Shuang Li

Handwritting, Sketch and Vectorization

Method Publication Code Project Core Idea Authors
SketchRNN ICLR 2018 Deprecated Link Link Seq2Seq and GMM David Ha
SketchFormer CVPR 2020 Link - Transformers AutoEncoder Leo S.F. Ribeiro
GVSF SIGGRAPH 2021 Link Link CRNN for cropped Windows and then pasting Haoran Mo
Oneshot Sketch Segmentation Arxiv - - GCN as encoder, deformation for one shot Yulia Gryaditskaya
YOLaT NIPS 2021 - - Recognizing Vector Graphics without Rasterization Xinyang Jiang

Image and Texture Synthesis

Method Publication Code Project Core Idea Authors
pix2pixHD CVPR 2018 Link - High-Resolution Image Synthesis and Semantic Manipulation with Conditional GANs Ting-Chun Wang
SPADE CVPR 2019 Link - Semantic Image Synthesis with Spatially-Adaptive Normalization Taesung Park
ADGAN CVPR 2020 Link - Attribute-Decomposed Yifang Men
Taming Transformers CVPR 2021 Link - VQ-GAN and Transformers Björn Ommer
CoCosNet-v2 CVPR 2021 Link - full-resolution cross-domain with feature-level PatchMatch Xingran Zhou, Bo Zhang
ASAPNet CVPR 2021 - Link Spatially-Adaptive Pixelwise Networks for Fast Image Translation Tamar Rott Shaham
CIPS CVPR 2021 Link - Image Generators with Conditionally-Independent Pixel Synthesis [I. Anokhin]
MaskGIT - Link - Masked Generative Image Transformer [Huiwen Chang]
StyleGAN3 NeurIPS 2021 Link - Alias-Free Generative Adversarial Networks [Tero Karras]
Projected GANs NeurIPS 2021 Link Link Train GANs in pretrained feature spaces Axel Sauer
MCL-Net CVPR 2022 Link - Marginal Contrastive Learning for extracting domain invariant features Fangneng Zhan

Deep Generative models

Method Publication Code Project Core Idea Authors
DDPM - Link - Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models Jonathan Ho
Flow++ - Link - Improving Flow-Based Generative Models with Variational Dequantization and Architecture Design Jonathan Ho
LDMs arxiv Link - Autoregressive and diffusion models Robin Rombach
DenseFlow NIPS 2021 - - Densely connected normalizing flows [Matej Grcic]
LSGM NeurIPS 2021 - - Score-based Generative Modeling in Latent Space [Arash Vahdat]

Image editing and GAN dissection

Method Publication Code Project Core Idea Authors
EditGAN NIPS 2021 Link Link - Huan Ling
HFGI CVPR 2022 Link Link - Tengfei WANG
HyperStyle CVPR 2022 Link Link - Yuval Alaluf
SemanticStyleGAN CVPR 2022 - Link - Yichun Shi
Style Transformer CVPR 2022 Link - - Xueqi Hu

Attractive Image Generation

Method Publication Code Project Core Idea Authors
GBCI IEEE TAFFC - - Brain-computer interface for generating personally attractive images Michiel Spape
ICE arXiv Link - Interpretable Control Exploration and Counterfactual Explanation on StyleGAN Bo Li

Semantic Segmentation

Method Publication Code Project Core Idea Authors
MaskFormer NeurIPS 2021 Link - mask classification with Transformers Bowen Cheng
Labels4Free ICCV 2021 - Link Unsupervised Segmentation using StyleGAN Rameen Abdal
ProDA CVPR 2021 Link - prototypical pseudo label denoising Pan Zhang
CPS CVPR 2021 Link - cross pseudo supervision Xiaokang Chen
SeMask arxiv Link - add semantic context to pretrained backbones Jitesh Jain
MaX-DeepLab CVPR 2021 Link - predict class-labeled masks Huiyu Wang
SemiSeg-Contrastive ICCV 2021 Link - Pixel-Level Contrastive Learning Inigo Alonso
Point Transformer ICCV 2021 - - transformer for point cloud processing Hengshuang Zhao
Self-training NeurIPS 2020 Link - self-training Barret Zoph

3D Vision

Novel View Synthesis (Image Inpainting)

Method Publication Code Project Core Idea Authors
3D Ken SIGGRAPH 2019 Link - RGBD Inpainting and Point Cloud Rendering Simon Niklaus
3D Photo CVPR 2020 Link Link Layered RGBD Inpainting Meng-Li Shih

Novel View Synthesis (NeRF-alike)

Method Publication Code Project Core Idea Authors
Neural Volumes SIGGRAPH 2019 Link Link Neural Volume Rendering Stephen Lombardi
NeRF ECCV 2020 Link Link Radiance Field for Volume Rendering Ben Mildenhall
NeX CVPR 2021 Link Link - Suttisak Wizadwongsa
Nerfies ICCV 2021 Link Link - Keunhong Park
KiloNeRF ICCV 2021 Link Link thousands of tiny MLPs Songyou Peng
Neural Actor SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 - Link pose(SMPL)-guided view synthesis Lingjie Liu
Light Field NR Arxiv Link Link - Mohammed Suhail
Plenoxels Arxiv Link Link 3D grid with spherical harmonics,without neural network Alex Yu
ING Arxiv 2022 Link Link - Thomas Müller

3D-aware Image Synthesis (NeRF + GAN)

Method Publication Code Project Core Idea Authors
pi-GAN CVPR 2021(Oral) Link Link represent scenes as view-consistent radiance fields Eric Chan
GIRAFFE CVPR 2021(Oral) Link Link representing scenes as compositional generative neural feature fields (same as pi-GAN?) but can disentangle individual objects and do some edits Michael Niemeyer
GRAM Arxiv - Link Isosurfaces For Point Sampling Yu Deng
EG3D Arxiv Link Link hybrid explicit–implicit tri-plane representation Eric Ryan Chan
CIPS-3D Arxiv Link - style and NeRF-based generator Peng Zhou

Implict function

Method Publication Code Project Core Idea Authors
MSDF CGF 2018 Link Link Multi-Channel SDF Jaroslav Sloup
DeepSDF CVPR 2019 Link - AutoDecoder SDF Jeong Joon Park
IM-Net CVPR 2019 Link Link Implicit Field Decoder Zhiqin Chen
OccupancyNet CVPR 2019 Link Link Reconstruction followed with Marching Cubes Lars Mescheder
BSPNet CVPR 2020 Link - Binary Space Partitioning Zhiqin Chen
CVXNet CVPR 2020 Link Link Decomposition to convexes Boyang Deng
UCSG-Net NIPS 2020 Link Link Tree representation of Boolean operations Kacper Kania
Multi-Implicit Representation for Fonts NIPS 2021 Link Link A soft function and optimized junctions Pradyumna Reddy
Implicit Glyph Shape Representation Arxiv - - Quadratic SDF Liu, Ying-Tian
UNIST CVPR 2022 Link Link deep neural implicit model for unpaired shape-to-shape translation Qimin Chen

Diffentiable Rendering

Method Publication Code Project Core Idea Authors
DiffVG Siggraph Asia 2020 Link Link Monte Carlo sampling Tzu-Mao Li

Scene Text Detection and Recognition

Method Publication Code Project Core Idea Authors
RPI WACV 2022 - - Rectifying Principle Irregularities Fan Bai

Multimodal Synthesis

Method Publication Code Project Core Idea Authors
GLIDE arXiv Link demo Text-guided image generation and editing with diffusion models Alex Nichol

EEG Decoding

Method Publication Code Project Core Idea Authors
EEG-to-text AAAI 2022 Link - Open Vocabulary EEG-to-Text & Sentiment Classification Zhenhailong Wang
Decode clinical factors from EEG ICLR 2021 - - disentangled & interpretable representation for clinical factors detection Garrett Honke
CLISA TAFFC 2022 - - contrastive learning for EEG cross-subject emotion recognition Xinke Shen
SparseDGCNN TAFFC 2021 - - DGCNN for EEG emotion recognition Guanhua Zhang
inter-brain feature extraction TAFFC 2021 - - inter-brain feature extraction for real-time emotion tagging Yue Ding


The paper reading list of our research group.






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