A ros driver package developed at Institute für Flugführung, Technische Universität Braunschweig for the for the ANKOMMEN project. Geo-tagging of images using Exiv2-0.25 library.
Subscribes to the camera images, saves them with some name and then geo-tags them. It publishes
the Image with GPS info in an geo_tagger/GeoImageCompressed
Publishes the geo_tagger/GeoImageCompressed
Gets the saved image_name from ROS_INFO stream of image_saver node
of type sensor_msgs/NavSatFix
Gets the current GPS information from some GPS node publishing on this topic
roslaunch geo_tagger geo_tagger.launch
This driver is designed for Allied Vision Manta G917 But it should work
with other cameras as well.
In order to support a new camera, create a copy of the config\avt_manta.yaml
and update the
exif parameters suited to the new camera. Then replace the name of the config file in the launch\geo_tagger.launch