3、SYNC_TOPIC (可选)下载完成功mqtt通知主题。客户端订阅该主题即可接收下载完成提示。
mongodb 需要建立mydb数据库,并建立task表和web3表分别用来存储下载链接任务和web3.storage的上传记录
加入任务模式:不需要修改url内容,需要在mongodb内建立task表,插入url字段数据即可。每次查询一条url然后下载,查询后不管下载成功与否随即删除。对应actions为Download task.目前为手动触发。根据自己情况修改actions的触发为schedule即可。
Add a directory to web3.storage from an Action, and output it's IPFS Content ID.
uses: ykxVK8yL5L/add-to-web3@v1.3
id: web3
web3_token: ${{ secrets.WEB3_STORAGE_TOKEN }}
path_to_add: 'dist'
file_name: 'test'
# "bafkreicysg23kiwv34eg2d7qweipxwosdo2py4ldv42nbauguluen5v6am"
- run: echo ${{ steps.web3.outputs.cid }}
# "https://dweb.link/ipfs/bafkreicysg23kiwv34eg2d7qweipxwosdo2py4ldv42nbauguluen5v6am"
- run: echo ${{ steps.web3.outputs.url }}
Required The path the root directory of your static website or other content that you want to publish to IPFS.
Required file name that you want to publish to IPFS.
Required API token for web3.storage
Show advanced input options
Useful for testing against dev deployments.
Default https://api.web3.storage
Should the path_to_add
be wrapped in a diretory when creating the IPFS DAG. For most folks using this, the default of false
is fine. If you want to add a single file and preserve the filename in the IPFS DAG you may want to set it to true
Default false
The IPFS content ID for the directory on IPFS.
e.g. bafkreicysg23kiwv34eg2d7qweipxwosdo2py4ldv42nbauguluen5v6am
The IPFS gateway URL for the directory
e.g. https://dweb.link/ipfs/bafkreicysg23kiwv34eg2d7qweipxwosdo2py4ldv42nbauguluen5v6am
💌 Considerate contributions welcome!
Of note This is supposed to be a Javascript flavour GitHub Action, but the JS runner is stuck on node12, and we need at least node14. Until the glorious future where the current node version is supported, we wrap the action in a container.
The dist
folder is commited to the repo as is the curious cultural norm with JS actions, as the repo is the delivery mechanism, so to spare some cycles for the user users, all the deps are bundled into a single /dist/index.js monolith. This no longer makes much sense as we're also wrapping it in a container, but the dream is that the new node16 runner lands, and we can just delete the Dockers and move on.