FoodChat is an application that allows users to create posts on the best or worst dish at the top 10 restaurants in Los Angeles, New York, and Austin. Users are able to post a dish, their description of that dish, and whether or not they would revisit the restaurant. FoodChat also allows users to delete and edit posts.
- /api/restaurants
- GET /:city (shows all restaurants in a specific city)
- GET /:city/:id (gets restaurant by restaurant id)
- /api/post
GET / (gets all posts)
GET /:restaurantId (gets post by restaurant's id that was referred to)
POST /:restaurantId (creates a new post and add to referred restaurant)
PUT /:id (update post by it's id)
DELETE /:id (delete post by it's id)
Restaurant: {
name: String,
city: String,
image: String,
address: String,
title: String,
summary: String,
revisit: String,
restID: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Restaurant'
restID: [
_id: "5ec2d1d2f9f2e844c8015558",
title: "ok food",
summary: "the food was ok",
revisit: "false",
__v: 0
_id: "5ec563bebc50dcba64158c75",
name: "Pasta Sisters",
city: "Los Angeles",
image: "",
address: "3343 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90019",
__v: 0
_id: "5ec563bebc50dcba64158c76",
name: "Wurstkuche",
city: "Los Angeles",
image: "",
address: "625 Lincoln Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90291",
__v: 0