ZooDoc is a website that allows users to find and rate veterinarians in their metro areas. Users may create accounts, log in, and read, rate, update, and delete vet reviews. Users must be autheniticated to perform any action other than read.
A typical experience would see a user create an account from a link on the home page, then return to the homepage where they could then log in with the new credentials. From the same page, the user would then enter their home metro area (currently, only New York and Philadelphia are supported) and be directed to a page listing doctors with practices in that area. The user would then be able to view information about the doctor, their contact information, and any reviews left by other users. The user would also be able to create, edit, and delete reviews of their own.
- Create an account
- Log in to the website
- View doctors by location
- View contact and practice information about specific doctors
- Leave reviews for specific doctors
- Edit and delete reviews
- Require users to "own" reviews in order to perform any CRUD options on them
- Allow users to perform searches within a specific radius so that results are returned ordered by distance
- Allow users to keep information about their pet (vitals, medical records, vet history) in a profile page
- Allow users to book appopintments directly through the website
- Javascript
- React
- Django
- Bootstrap
- Python