WEB part for solar hot water monitoring Used by Yun, or any WEB server by pushing the datas with ftp. Create the appropriate directory, and copy all files. A web page is created by PHP function, showing a day of data. Sample results here: https://yvesmasur.ch/ecs/
The data: Each month, a new file is created by Arduino Yun, with name: data.txt yy= year with 2 digits (eg. 2017 -> 17) mm= Month with 2 digits (eg. april -> 04)
Content: sample each 10 minutes, written on a line in this order:
{date} \t {hour:minutes:seconds} \t {percent of pump usage} \t {temp1} \t {temp2}\t {temp3} \n
Details of fields, separated by TAB:
date format: yy/mm/dd with yy= year; mm= month; dd= day; (eg. 17/11/20 is the november 11, 2017)
time format: hh:mm:ss with hh=hour; mm= minute; ss= second (eg. 05:30:00)
Note: because the sample are made each 10 minutes, mm is alway 00.
pump usage : 0 to 100 percent of use in the sample (eg. if the pump usage is 5 minutes, gives 50 % -> 50)
temp1 : temperature un degrees of solar cicuit
temp 2: temperature of solar water volume
temp 3 : temperature of hot water volume
\n : end of line, also CRLF
More details (but in french) on http://microclub.ch/2014/10/11/yun-monitoring-de-leau-solaire/