Those playbooks are made for an "easy" Archlinux installation. At the moment they:
- Install all the required packages
- Set the tools configuration (git, vim, atom...)
- Install the latest version of Ansible
- Configure the group_vars & config files to match your need
- Run one of the following playbook
In order to install all the packages from group_vars/all, just launch:
ansible-playbook -K repos.playbook
If you want to install a specific list (always, dev, devops...), use the matching tag:
ansible-playbook -K repos.playbook --tags="dev"
Set all the PC configuration.
In order to install all the packages from group_vers/all, jsut launch:
ansible-playbook -K config.playbook
Contains a typical configuration, including aliases, and editor.
User info need to be changed (email, name...) Since the file isn't complete (TODO: template), it is placed as a sample (not as .gitconfig directly)
Contains the indentation setting among with the line number.
Gather few bash_config data
The playbooks have been tested with:
- Python 3.7.1
- Ansible 2.7.1
- Ansible-playbook 2.7.1
While using the project, if you encounter any bug or frustration, feel free to open an issue. It also applies to all the suggestion you have regarding some future enhancements. If you are interested by the the project realisation, many issues are related to a certain area and welcome contributions.
If you want to contribute, please respect the following guideline:
- Describe your MR, including the purpose and changes
- Ensure your changes are tested, in order to maintain a stability
The project is open-source LICENSE, it therefore complies to all the terms related to the open-source philosophy.