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AYON USD Resolver


The AYON USD Resolver is an asset resolver plugin for Pixar's USD. It's designed to turn URIs with the ayon:// or ayon+entity:// formats into local file paths.

This resolver uses local caching and connects with the AYON Server to handle AYON compatible entity URIs through the AyonCppApi.


This repository is a development repository and uses Git Submodules. Make sure to use the correct git clone commands accordingly.


The AYON USD Resolver is a AR2.0 resolver and will not support packages that only support AR1.0


Building and testing is now done with Houdini 19.5 and Houdini 20. More packages will be available soon. To build against the "standalone" USD framework you need to either comment include(BuildPlugins/${SelectedCompilePlugin}.cmake) line in CMakeLists.txt or build you own build plugin in BuildPlugins.


  • C++ Compiler
  • Cmake
  • GitHub public key setup (this is because the sub-modules are linked via git@)
  • Target DCC / SDK installed

Tested Platforms:

  • Alma Linux 9
    • Hou 19.5.805
    • Hou 19.5.900
    • Hou 20.0.590
    • Hou 20.0.630
    • AyonUsd23_5_py39 (System Python install)
  • Windows 10
    • Hou 19.5.805
    • Hou 19.5.900
    • Hou 20.0.590
    • Hou 20.0.630
    • AyonUsd23_5_py39 (Pyenv-Win)

Download the repo and its submodules:

git clone --recurse-submodules

git submodule update --init --recursive

Pre-build / Self Compiled

  • AYON will provide some pre-built versions of the resolver in the future.

  • Those versions will be the pre-built binaries that our tests created, so you might not find your software/platform combination.

  • It's also to be expected that resolver builds are behind new software releases.


  • Prebuilts aren't available as of right now.

Self Compiled

Core concepts

  1. Currently, we only support specific set of DCCs and their versions, and AyonUsd for building revolvers (other software packages and stand-alone setups will follow).

  2. Currently, building the Resolver centers around a build script .sh(Linux) .bat(windows). The Linux build script is more elaborate than the Windows script because resolver development is currently done on Linux, so the carries extra functionality around.

Linux Build Steps:

  • First, you must set a few variables in the script. (they are all grayed out)


  • HOU_VER = Set this to the number of your Houdini version.

  • COMPILEPLUGIN = In the repository root, you'll find a folder called BuildPlugins. In this folder, there are .cmake scripts that we call BuildPlugins. You will have to set this variable to the path + name of this build plugin as a relative path.

starting from the BuildPlugins e.g. HouLinux/LinuxPy310Houdini20

  • INSTALLNAME{Optional} = This is an optional variable that allows you to override how the folder for the resolver will be named.

  • HOUDINI_INSTALL_DIR{Optional} = this is an override for the install directory off Houdini. If you don't set this, the script will assume that you installed Houdini in opt/ with the base name of hfs

Next Steps {in the Terminal}:

  • Run Clean / Clean = Will delete and recreate the build and Revolvers folder for a clean build setup.
  • Your resolver is compiled and will be under Revolver's + BuildPluing Path. e.g. Resolvers/HouLinux/LinuxPy310Houdini20

Windows Build Steps:

  • First, you will have to set a few variables in the build.bat script.


  • HFS = this will be the Houdini install directory e.g C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 20.0.590
  • COMPILEPLUGIN = In the Reop-root, you find a folder called BuildPlugins. In this folder, there are .cmake scripts that we call BuildPlugins. You will have to set this variable to the path + name off this build plugin as a relative path starting from the BuildPlugins, e.g. HouWin/WindowsPy310Houdini20

Next Steps {in the Terminal}:

  • Run build.bat.
  • Your resolver is compiled and will be under Resolvers +BuildPluing Path. e.g. Resolvers/HouLinux/LinuxPy310Houdini20

How to get the resolver working with Houdini and AYON


The Resolver needs a few Env variables to work, namely:


  • This variable tells Usd what resolver to use and where to find it (this will not overwrite the default resolver as a fallback).


  • This variable allows you to choose what Debug messages will be printed.
    • In the CPP files, you might find TF_DEBUG().Msg(); and one of the two Enum Values AYONUSDRESOLVER_RESOLVER or AYONUSDRESOLVER_RESOLVER_CONTEXT these allow you to select what debug messages will be printed.
    • If you want the resolver to be silent, then you can leave this value empty. It's best practice to keep it in your env variable setup, just in case.


  • it describes where the C++ dynamic library files can be found for the resolver.


  • This is also a variable for Usd, and it might look like you're supposed to place the AyonUsdResolver name in here, but you're actually putting the path to the PluginInfo.json folder into this variable.


  • This is again a path for Usd that allows you to access the Python wrapper functions from the resolver inside Usd.


  • This Environment variable allows you to set the log level for the CppApi.


  • This Environment variable allows you to enable or disable file logging in CppApi.
    • OFF,ON


  • This Environment variable allows you to set a file path for the CppApi logging.
    • /path/to or relPath

Inside AYON, you can use the Environment Field of your software version to define what resolver you want to use. Here is an example of how that might look:

   "AYONUSDRESOLVER_ROOT": "/path/to/ayon-usd-resolver/Resolvers/{BuildPlugin path + name}",
   "TF_DEBUG": "",
   "AYONLOGGERFILEPOS": "LoggingFiles"

Developer Information

Resolver Behavior:

On USD Init:

  • AyonUsdResolver library will be loaded, and a ResolverContextCache and a globally accessible shared_ptr will be created

When a USD file is opened:

  • Resolver Context is created.

    • every resolver context has a shared_ptr that will point to the global ResolverContextCache

When a USD AssetIdentifier is found.

  • _Resolve() gets called with the data between the @ symbols.
  • _Resolve() checks if the path is an AYON URI path.
    • Yes? Then we get the current context (because in this resolver, the resolver context interacts with the AyonCppApi and not the Resolver).
      • We ask the ResolverContext to return the path to us, and the ResolverContext calls the getAsset() function in the ResolverContextCache.
      • The ResolverContextCache will then first check the PreCache and then the Responsible cache. If the ResolverContextCache finds the asset, it will be returned as a struct. If the ResolverContextCache does not find an asset, it will call the AyonCppApi and request the asset information from the server.
    • No? Then we check if the AssetIdentifier was already registered in the CommonCache, and if so, we will return the cached entry. If not, we will resolve the path against the operating system file system the same way that USD Default Resolver does it.

Asset Identifier / Behavior:

The AssetIdentifier or AssetPath is always used by the resolver to convert an AYON path to a path on disk. The resolver needs some information in the path to figure out what asset you want.

  1. ayon: is used in the _resolve() function to know whether your asset is an AYON asset or not (done via a string view comparison).

  2. //{ProjectName}/{path/to/ayon/folder}?product={FileName} This is a classic AYON path that defines what Ayon folder you want, e.g., sequences/sh010, assets/characters/bob, etc.

  3. version=latest version has multiple options:

    • latest: Will tell the resolver to use the latest version no matter what.
    • hero: This will tell the resolver to find the pinned hero version (you should know that you have the option to set up your AYON server without hero versions; in this case, the resolver will not be able to find your product version).
    • v001 (or whatever you put in your template): Will allow you to use a specific version of the product.
  4. representation=usd: This part of the path is very important; it sets the file "extension" that the resolver will search for. You can use everything that you can upload to the server.

All together, you will get an asset path like this. This asset path can be used inside of USD and will be resolved by the asset Resolver.
