- python3.5 or greater/virtualenv
- postgresql >=9.4
- redis-server
All packages can be obtained from core, extra or community repositories. When queried, chose to install all packets out of base-devel.
sudo pacman -S base-devel python python-pip python-virtualenv postgresql python-redis redis
Afterwards, do the first-time postgres setup (taken from the Arch Linux wiki)
sudo -i -u postgres
initdb --locale en_US.UTF-8 -E UTF8 -D '/var/lib/postgres/data'
By default, Arch Linux does not start the installed services. Do it manually by executing
sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
sudo systemctl start redis.service
You can add them to autostart as well:
sudo systemctl enable postgresql.service
sudo systemctl enable redis.service
As the foodsaving tool requires relatively recent versions of some packages, using Ubuntu 15.10 or greater is required.
sudo apt-get install git redis-server python3 python3-dev python-virtualenv postgresql postgresql-server-dev-9.4 gcc build-essential g++ libffi-dev libncurses5-dev
For Mac OS, you will need homebrew. With homebrew you can install all packages.
brew install postgresql
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres -E utf8
brew services start postgresql
brew install redis
brew services start redis
All packages should be available in the default repositories repo-oss
and repo-non-oss
sudo zypper install python-virtualenv postgresql-devel postgresql python-redis redis
Before using any tools from the shell, you need to activate the virtualenv:
source ./env/bin/activate
The manage.py application can be used to perform administrative tasks:
- makemigrations: Create database migrations
- migrate: Apply database migrations
- shell_plus: (requires ipython) for playing in a django python environment
- test: Run automated tests
A swagger description file is generated at /doc. You can pass it to any swagger installation.
In development, you can add and override local settings in
, which is present in .gitignore
and hence out of
version control. If the file is not present, i.e. in production, nothing
Change the following values in the dictionary DATABASES
in the file local_settings.py (example)
. Change also variables INFLUXDB_DATABASE
in local_settings.py (example)
Set your database PostgreSQL
with the correct name and user.
First, initialize the database.
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres
Now, create the user you used in local_settings.py
createuser --pwprompt *user_name*
And create the database with the name you used in local_settings.py
createdb -O *user_name* -Eutf8 *db_name*
You can run the server with python manage.py runserver
Sometimes you will need to create Django migrations.
source env/bin/activate
./manage.py makemigrations
./manage.py migrate
To contribute, please get in contact with us. We want to follow a pull request / code review cycle as soon as possible but in our early design stages we prefer to work in teams at the same desk. We use
- github issues for development tasks
- Slack as team communication, not only for development
We follow PEP8 with the same rules as the Django project.
As always, the coding style may not apply at some parts.
You can execute flake8
in the repository root to check your code.
Code will only be accepted into master
if it passes the PEP8 test.
A live instance of the foodsaving tool is running at https://foodsaving.world/. Use https://foodsaving.world/api/ for a browseable API and for API requests.
A session is identified via the sessionid cookie. Additionally, a csrftoken cookie is set with each POST request (initially for the login). To issue any other POST request than a login, you need to provide the contents of the csrftoken cookie in the X-CSRFToken header field. The session cookie is automatically appended to each request by the browser. For more detailled notes on how to implement this in javascript, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/ref/csrf/
On a local setup, you may want to change fsync behaviour to speed up the test running process. You may want to make sure to understand the implications but on a dev machine this should be fine.
Edit /var/lib/postgres/data/postgresql.conf and add or edit
fsync = off
pip-tools is used to manage requirements. To use the latest possible requirements, do:
pip install pip-tools
pip-compile --upgrade
We use (PyCharm)[https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/] for development. We have some licenses available for the professional version which includes Django support specifically. The free community edition also works well.
You can use whatever you want of course.
Please set the python interpreter to the virtual env python created during during the setup.
For all those who love Vim, just enable syntax checking and add python and django plugins to Vim. Follow using vim with django.