- go
- jq
- Python 3
pip install jinja2 PyYAML
. env.sh
docker-compose up -d
$ npm install
$ node ccperf.js run --help
Usage: run [options]
--logdir [dir] Directory name where log files are stored
--processes [number] Number of processes to be launched
--profile [path] Connection profile
--channelID [channel] Channel name
--target [number] Target input TPS
--rampup [number] Rampup in second
--duration [number] Duration in second
--org [string] Organization name
--type [string] Type of workload (eg. putstate)
--num [number] Number of operations per transaction
--size [bytes] Payload size of a PutState call
--population [number] Number of prepopulated key-values
--tx-plugin JavaScript file that defines transaction handler
--committing-peer [name] Peer name whose commit events are monitored
--endorsing-orgs [org1,org2] Comma-separated list of organizations
--orderer-selection [type] Orderer selection method: first or balance. Default is first
--grafana [url] Grafana endpoint URL
--prometheus-pushgateway [url] Prometheus endpoint URL
--remote [hostport] Remote worker daemons. Comma-separated list of host:port or local
--client-keys [dir] Directory for client keys
-h, --help output usage information output usage information
$ node ccperf.js run --profile connection-profile.yaml --processes 4 --target 50 --rampup 5 --duration 15 --committing-peer peer1.org1.example.com --type putstate --num 1 --size 64
Creating local driver
Started workers
Start: 1553489086324
End: 1553489101324
elapsed peer.tps orderer.tps commit.tps peer.avg orderer.avg commit.avg
0 48.00 48.80 49.60 15.71 8.39 85.29
5 48.80 48.80 47.20 13.44 7.78 80.16
10 48.40 48.00 49.60 12.04 6.10 83.11
15 0.40 0.80 0.80 10.50 8.00 122.25