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Simon Yohannes edited this page Nov 30, 2019 · 5 revisions

you can subscribe to various puck events.

to hook into the content indexer (for Lucene indexing) before and after index events, you need to first get the indexer. the puck.core.State.PuckCache class has a singleton property accessor which you can use to get the indexer which is useful when injecting it into a controller is not possible (i.e. on app startup).

PuckCache.PuckIndexer.RegisterAfterIndexHandler<BaseModel>("puck_publish_notification", (object o, puck.core.Events.IndexingEventArgs args) =>


here we are subscribing to AfterIndex event for the BaseModel ViewModel but since the Propagate argument is set to true, it will trigger for any ViewModel which can be assigned to BaseModel (which is all ViewModels, since they all inherit from BaseModel). IndexingEventArgs will contain the ViewModel being indexed.

in a similar way, you can also register event handlers for puck.core.Services.ContentService: ContentService.RegisterAfterSaveHandler<T>(), ContentService.RegisterBeforeSaveHandler<T>(), ContentService.RegisterAfterDeleteHandler<T>, ContentService.RegisterBeforeDeleteHandler<T>, ContentService.RegisterBeforeMoveHandler, ContentService.RegisterAfterMoveHandler<T>. there is also the ContentService.AfterCreate event which can be used to set default values on newly created content.

note that the "BeforeSave" and "BeforeIndex" events use BeforeIndexingEventArgs (which allows you to cancel the saving/indexing) and "AfterSave" and "AfterIndex" events use IndexingEventArgs. the move events use BeforeMoveEventArgs and MoveEventArgs.

there is also the puck.core.Helpers.ApiHelper.AfterEditorSettingsSave event to hook into editor parameter save event and the puck.core.Helpers.SyncHelper.AfterSync event to subscribe to sync event for load balanced environments when servers are synchronizing content.