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While I studied Generative Adversial Network models, I wondered if I can make a GAN model which draws a animal which resembles me. It's just pure curiosity. And I'd like to create this. I built a paired human face and animal face dataset with searching on Google. Due to the characteristics of GAN, it is hard to train on personal computer. My computer's GPU RAM is just 4GB and I used Google Colab for training.

Data Preparation

input output
input_image output_image


CycleGAN is one of the most popular methods for image-to-image translation. I make two pairs of Generator and Discriminator. I trained this model on Google Colab for 500 epochs for an 2 hours with premium GPU.


Test test
Human2Animal human2animal
Animal2Human animal2human

The result was great for dataset input. But as you can see in the Test GIF, this model creates like a input not an animal face when new input comes in..