This is the sample application of Excel REST API for Java
On 3rd Aug 2016, Office 365 Excel REST API was released as GA.
Graph API for Excel
And I created the sample application of it and created the demo video (by Japanese). So I would like to share the the code.
Demo Video :
The Above Demo Senario:
Start my sample application from IDE (NetBeans)
Login to the sample application via Azure AD auth.
Login to the portal screen of Office 365
List all of the file in the Onedrive
Open the excel file on Ondrive with browser
Open the excel file from my sample application
Open the worksheet of the file from my sample application.
Select the table on the worksheet
Add one row data to the table
10.Confirm the data which added in the above
11.Add new file to Ondrive and check again from the application
In my sample, I wrote as a Java EE 7 application.
So it will run on Java EE compatible Application Servers like
GlassFish(Payara), WildFly(JBoss EAP), WebLogic, WebSphere and so on.
It also run on servlet container like Tomcat.
If you would like to run it on Tomcat,
Please refer to the ?