Handles authentication on cloudfoundry.com
and delegates all other
identity management tasks to the UAA. Also provides OAuth2 endpoints
issuing tokens to client apps for cloudfoundry.com
(the tokens come
from the UAA and no data are stored locally).
The Login Server is a standard JEE servlet application, and you can
build a war file and deploy it to any container you like (mvn package
and look in the target
directory). For convenience there
is also a Maven profile that will run the Login Server, the UAA and
some sample apps all in the same container from the command line
(assuming you have the UAA and Login Server cloned in separate
directories with a common parent):
$ (cd uaa; mvn clean install)
$ cd login-server
$ mvn clean install
$ mvn tomcat:run -P integration
(Note that the tomcat7
plugin at the moment does not support running
multiple apps in the same container - it's a bug that is fixed but not
released as of September 2012.)
You can run the Login Server integration tests using the command line as well (as long as the UAA project is built and installed first as above):
$ mvn test -P integration
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