White paper
- Move book, a book for Move beginner. [ch], [en]
- A video to introduce Move security (in Chinese): Move编程语言如何保证资产安全
Formal verification
- Technical paper: The Move Prover
- A short article to introduce Move's formal verification tool (in Chinese): Move智能合约的形式化验证工具
Zk proofs introduction
- Summary of recent zero-knowledge proving systems: zkp.science
- Vitalik Buterin’s introduction to SNARKs, part 1, 2, and 3
- Vitalik’s introduction to STARKs, part 1, 2, 3
- Vitalik’s introduction to PLONK
Plonk implementations in Rust
- An article to introduce rollup (in Chinese): 深入理解区块链二层扩展方案 Rollup