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✏️ SO3 - Stats of Our Own


A smart statistics page for Archive of Our Own (AO3) writers.

This was a lil weekend project to smartify AO3 stats. Made by yours truly. Feel free to contribute and/or hit me with a Kofi!

Hits-Kudos Ratio

The widely used 'Golden Ratio' is 1 kudos per 10 hits, or 10%.

For works with > 1 chapter, we're averaging the number of hits per chapter with this calculation:

avgHits = totalHits - (totalKudos * numChapters)

The logic behind this calculation is not perfect, but has a reasonable amount of truth. For each chapter, we can assume with loose probability that each person who has left a kudos will read every chapter.

As always, take this calculation with a grain of salt and has room for improvement. Feel free to help me enhance this.


  • Front-End: Typescript + Nextjs + TailwindCSS + MUI
  • Back-End: Python + Flask + the unofficial AO3 API


First, install the dependencies:

npm install
# or
# or
pnpm install

Then, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Room for Improvement

Stats Over Time

  • Something that I was bummed that the unofficial AO3 API didn't have natively. I would have to integrate a browser-based storage solution to track when a user calls the API so that when they come back, they can see that old information along with their new API call. Feels like a mess.

Subscriptions + Private Bookmarks + Comment Count

  • In order to view more info about a specific work, you have to be logged in. The unofficial AO3 API has the capability for login, but I haven't looked too far into it.

Filtering + Enhanced Sorting

  • Possibly a 2.0 item. Enable the ability to sort/filter by relationship, fandom, character, etc. Makes my brain feel fuzzy rn tho.