Elixir library that provides effects for default ecto operations.
It provides effects for every callback that exists in
EffectEcto.all(queryable, opts)
EffectEcto.delete(schema_or_changeset, opts)
EffectEcto.get(queryable, id, opts)
EffectEcto.get_by(queryable, keys, opts)
EffectEcto.insert(insertable, opts)
EffectEcto.insert_all(schema_or_source, entries_or_query, opts)
EffectEcto.insert_or_update(changeset, opts)
EffectEcto.one(queryable, opts)
EffectEcto.preload(data, preloads, opts)
EffectEcto.transaction(effect, opts)
EffectEcto.update(changeset, opts)
EffectEcto.update_all(queryable, updates, opts)
The most notable among them is EffectEcto.Transaction
that allows
us to wrap any effect into a database migration.
iex(1)> alias Effect.Pipe
iex(2)> alias MyApp.Repo
iex(3)> Pipe.new()
...(3)> |> Pipe.then(:insert, fn _ -> EffectEcto.insert(%Data{x: 1}) end)
...(3)> |> Pipe.then(:fail, fn _ -> Effect.fail("oops") end)
...(3)> |> EffectEcto.transaction()
...(3)> |> Effect.execute()
{:error, %{fail: "oops"}} # Rollback will be called and nothing will be inserted.
You also have a way to wrap Ecto.Multi
iex(1)> alias Ecto.Multi
iex(2)> MyApp.Repo
iex(3)> multi = Multi.insert(Multi.new(), :insert, %Data{x: 1})
iex(4)> multi
...(4)> |> EffectEcto.multi()
...(4)> |> Effect.execute()
{:ok, %{insert: %Data{x: 1}}}
When use
ing EffectEcto
, you generate implementation for
with the repo module you are using it.
defmodule MyApp.Repo do
use Ecto.Repo, # ...
use EffectEcto
# Now this code may be executed:
%Data{x: 1} |> EffectEcto.insert() |> Effect.execute()
def deps do
{:effect_ecto, git: "https://github.com/yunmikun2/effect_ecto", tag: "v0.2.0"}