Assembler for a pseudo-assembly language, created as a Systems Software course project at the University of Brasília.
Developed by:
- Raphael Arthur Resende
- Yuri Gonçalves Rocha
October 2015, Brasilia - Brazil
- Boost headers
- Boost Program Options
- Boost Regex
To install them use the following commands:
$ sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libboost-program-options1.55-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libboost-regex1.55-dev
Also the C++11 version or above is required.
We provided a script to build the code, however the script need running permitions to be executed:
$ chmod +x
To build the code just run the following command:
$ ./
The project can be executed running the following command:
$ ./Tradutor <arguments>
To read all the instructions it is possible to use the argument -h or --help (the instructions are in Portuguese):
$ ./Tradutor -h
$ ./Tradutor --help