Every time I try to sleep, suddenly an idea appears and disturbs my mind.
~ Leonardo Da Vinci
🔗 Connect with me on
Hi, I'm Yusnar Setiyadi, a Backend Engineer who started his career with Golang and PHP Programming Language skills as well as PostgreSQL and MongoDB databases. Mastering the basic Java and JavaScript programming languages for implementing client side programming.
I pay a lot of attention to the Experience, Architecture, and Code Quality of every project I develop as well as unit testing achieved a minimum average coverage of 80%.
My ambition is to learn all technology in IT field. I really like technology, especially with technology that never stops developing until now. I also enjoy starting a new project, and collaborating to achieve that goal.
About business? Collaborate with me on future projects. Go to GitLab
Tools, languages, and other things that I like to work with.
- Code exercises everyday!
- Trying to wake up earlier to make good use of the day