- Logic for the structured network modeling is contained within files in the Structured directory
- The ETL logic for structured network can be found in structured_etl_part1.scala and structured_etl_part2.py
- Modeling logic is contained within struc_net.py
- Modeling scripts are run through the wrapper py_train_struc.py which also allows for random search for hyperparameter tuning for the network.
- All data processing scripts for unstructured data are contained in the dataproc directory.
- Process NOTEEVENTS to get word vectors using data_processing_script.py.
- Write Discharge summaries using get_discharge_summaries.py
- Build vocab from discharge summaries using build_vocab.py.
- Train word embeddings on all words using word_embeddings.py.
- Write trained word embeddings with our vocab using gensim_to_embeddings method in extract_wvs.py.
- Modeling scripts can be found in the models directory.
- To run the modeling scripts, arguments ca