npm install icolors-vars
pnpm install icolors-vars
yarn add icolors-vars
Sometimes, we need a design system where users can get the job done quickly. Use the existing color design system on the market and get familiar with quick color matching.
indicates the iColorsSystem design system problem-antd
indicates the design system name-red-100
indicates read and color scale
- antd
- tailwind
- elm-plus
- material-ui
- icolors-vars in React main entry file
import 'icolors-vars' // current is antd
import 'icolors-vars/antd.css' // antd.css
import 'icolors-vars/tailwind.css' // tailwind.css
import 'icolors-vars/mui.css' // mui.css
import 'icolors-vars/elm-plus.css' // elm-plus.css
div {
colors: var(--i-antd-red-100);
background-color: var(--i-mui-red-A400);
import colors from 'icolors-vars/index.js'
import antd from 'icolors-vars/antd.js'
import elmPlus from 'icolors-vars/elm-plus.js'
import mui from 'icolors-vars/mui.js'
import tailwind from 'icolors-vars/tailwind.js'
const c1 = colors.antd.100
const c2 = colors.elmPlus.100
const c3 = colors.mui.100
const c4 = colors.tailWind.100
const ac1 = antd.100
const ac2 = elmPlus.100
const ac3 = mui.100
const ac4 = tailwind.100
import { invertHexColor } form 'icolors-vars'
const writeInvertHexColor = invertHexColor('#000000')
At present, references in the dist directory are used, and in the future, the dist file will be removed to make the reference more simple and reasonable