I'm working on a security system that aims to little companies that can't afford Systems like fingerprint, face recognition, etc. It works with a Random Generated KeyPass and a SQL Server DataBase. When a Master or a Guard is sure about the information provided for the employee and confirm that the employee is part of the DataBase. They can generate an employee KeyPass for entering the system.
- S - A release name
- W - Big changes that affect the entire structure or roadmap of the application.
- Y - Big changes that add significantly more features to the application. Releases will usually be made upon a change to this number
- Z - Small changes that add or remove features, and usually scale up to a change to Y
- X - Minor changes that usually include patches or even minor spelling fixes
- Be sure to install the next Packages (Changes will be apply if required):
- System.Data.SqlClient
- Visual Basic PowerPacks
- Be sure to change the SQL Server Data Base direction on DataAccess/ConnectionToSql.cs to your own SQL Server direction. (You can do this by changing the "server" and "DataBase" strings.)
- Be sure to change the part of code in DataAccess, to your own table name in every class that it's required.
- Finally maintain the same template of tables. It is provided on Table.txt
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.