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Xenian Bot

@XenianBot | GitHub

I am a personal assistant which can do various tasks for you. For example, I can do reverse image searches directly here in Telegram. To see my full capability, send me /commands and you will see everything available or go to Commands.

If you like this bot you can rate it here.

Just send your photos to this bot and start an image reverse search. You can search for images, stickers and videos.

In case you have Downloade Mode turned on (for downloading stickers etc.) you can either use /search on the image or turn Download Mode off with /download_mode (toggles on / off).

Included engines:

  • IQDB
  • SauceNAO
  • Google
  • Yandex
  • Bing
  • Trace
  • TinEye
  • /start - Initialize the bot
  • /commands - Show all available commands
  • /support - Contact bot maintainer for support of any kind
  • /contribute <text> - Send the supporters and admins a request of any kind
  • /error <text> - If you have found an error please use this command.
  • /help - Show all available commands
  • /db_save_mode <tag> - Start database save mode and send your objects
  • /db_save <tag> - Reply to save an object to a custom database
  • /db_info - Show created databases
  • /db_delete - Delete selected database
  • /db_list - List the content of a DB
  • /random - Send random anime GIF
  • /danbooru <tag1> <tag2...> <page=page_num> <limit=limit> <group=size> - Search on danbooru
  • /safebooru <tag1> <tag2...> <page=page_num> <limit=limit> <group=size> - Search on safebooru
  • /konachan <tag1> <tag2...> <page=page_num> <limit=limit> <group=size> - Search on konachan
  • /yandere <tag1> <tag2...> <page=page_num> <limit=limit> <group=size> - Search on yandere
  • /define <text> - Define a word or a sentence via urban dictionary
  • /roll <min> <max> - Roll a number between 0 and 6 or give me another range
  • /decide - Yes or No
  • /maths - Show all available math functions
  • /calc <equation> - Solve an equation you send me, all math functions can be seen with /maths
  • /tts <text> <-l LANG> - Convert text the given text or the message replied to, to text. Use -l to define a language, like de, en or ru
  • /translate <text> <-lf LANG> <-lt LANG> - Translate a reply or a given text from -lf (default: detect) language to -lt (default: en) language
  • /download_mode - If on download stickers and gifs sent to the bot of off reverse search is reactivated. Does not work in groups
  • /zip_mode - If zip mode is on collect all downloads and zip them upon disabling zip mode
  • /zip_clear - Clear ZIP download queue
  • /download - Reply to media for download
  • /search - Reply to media for reverse search
  • /itt <-l LANG> - Extract text from images
  • /itt_translate <text> <-lf LANG> <-lt LANG> - Extract text from images and translate it. -lf (default: detect, /itt_lang) language on image, to -lt (default: en, normal language codes) language.
  • /itt_lang - Available languages for Image to Text
  • /ban - Ban a user. Reply to one of his messages with this command (Group Only)
  • /warn - Warn a user, after 3 warnings he get banned. Reply to one of his messages with this command (Group Only)
  • /kick <time> - Kick a user for 10 min or give a specific amount of time (in min) between 30sec (0.5 min) and 366 days (527040 min). Reply to one of his messages with this command (Group Only)
  • /delete - Delete a message from a user and warn them. Reply to one of his messages with this command (Group Only)
  • /unwarn - Remove all warnings from a User. Reply to one of his messages with this command (Group Only)
  • /rules - Show rules for this group (Group Only)
  • /rules_define <text> - Define rules for this group (Group Only)
  • /rules_remove - Remove rules for this group (Group Only)
  • Save object - Send objects while /save_mode is turned of to save them into your defined db
  • Download Stickers - Turn on /download_mode and send stickers
  • Download Gifs - Turn on /download_mode and send videos and gifs
  • Video from URL - Turn on /download_mode and send links to videos like a youtube video
  • Auto Search - Turn off /download_mode and send some kind of media file.
  • Calculator - Solve equations you send me, to get a full list of supported math functions use /maths (PRIVATE CHAT ONLY)

If you have found a bug or want a new feature, please file an issue on GitHub Issues

Please use a line length of 120 characters and Google Style Python Docstrings.

For the project I choose buildout instead of the default pip way. I manly did this because it makes installation easier. I recommend to be in an virtualenv for any project, but this is up to you. Now for the installation:

ln -s development.cfg buildout.cfg

And everything should be installed. Now you can copy and configure your settings. For this you need an Telegram Bot API Token > @BotFather. The should be self explanatory.


To run the bot simply run


I am still working on how I want to make the commends to be used as easily as possible. At the moment this is how it works:

In the folder python_telegram_bot_template/commands/ you’ll find a, and The contains the base command, which is used for every other command. It has the following attributes:

This is a variable containing all the commands which you create with this class as Parent. If you override the __init__ method you have to call super init otherwise, the command will not be added to this list. This list is used for adding the commands as handlers for telegram and for creating the commands list.

This is a list of dictionaries in which you can define commands. This list contains the following keys:

title (optional)
If no title given the name of the command function is taken (underscores replaced with space and the first word is capitalized)A string for a title for the command. This does not have to be the same as the command_name. Your command_name could be eg. desc so the command would be /desc, but the title would be Describe. Like this, it is easier for the user to get the meaning of function from a command directly from the command list. - description (optional): Default is an empty string. As the name says, this is the description. It is shown on the command list. Describe what your command does in a few words.
command_name (optional)
Default is the name of the given command function. This is what the user has to run So for the start command it would be start. If you do not define one yourself, the lowercase string of the name of your class is taken.
command (mandatory)
This is the function of the command. This has to be set.
handler (optional)
Default is the CommandHandler. This is the handler your command uses. This could be MessageHandler, CommandHandler or any other handler.
options (optional)
By default the callback and command are set. If you add another argument you do not have to define callback and command in the CommandHandler again and callback in the MessageHandler. This is a dict of arguments given to the handler.
hidden (optional)
Default is False. If True the command is hidden from the command list.
args (optional)
If you have args, you can write them here. Eg. a command like this: /add_human Nick 20 male your text would be like NAME AGE GENDER.

After you create your class, you have to call it at least once. It doesn’t matter where you call it from, but I like to just call it directly after the code, as you can see in the And do not forget that the file with the command must be loaded imported somewhere. I usually do this directly in the

A good example can be found in the

Like for the commands I tried to make it easier to use different kinds of file storage. You can find a configuration in the and the “uploaders” itself in the python_telegram_bot_template/uploaaders/ folder. The goal is that you can only change the configuration in the and your bot works without any further adjustment. So you could use the local file system for local development and then switch to ssh for production, or something like this.

You get the uploader by from python_telegram_bot_template.uploaders import uploader. If you use it you should always start with uploader.connect() then upload / save whatever you want with uploader.upload(...) and finally close the connection with uploader.close(). You should even use this if you are using the file system. It is to prevent errors when you switch it someday in the future.

Now to the attributes and so on:

It defines what must be in the configuration inside the E.g. for the file system this is
{'path': str}

which means you have to define

    'uploader': '',  # What uploader to use
    'configuration': {
        'path': '/some/path/to/your/uploads',

If you are using the ssh uploader you have to define more:

{'host': str, 'user': str, 'password': str, 'upload_dir': str}
    'uploader': '',
    'configuration': {
        'host': '',
        'user': 'chuck.norris',
        'password': 'i_am_immortal',
        'upload_dir': '/some/path/on/your/server/',
        'key_filename': '/home/chuck.norris/.ssh/id_rsa',  # This is not defined as mandatory because on most ssh
        # servers you don't only use the ssh key as authentication, but if you do define this configuration as well.

As you can see in the dict’s above it is always a name as key and a type as value. This is checked when you initialize the uploader the first time.

Filled in on the initialization from the uploader. It contains the configuration defined in the

Now to the methods:

As always this initializes the uploader. If you need to override it, don’t forget to call super init otherwise, the configuration is not checked and applied.
Connect to the server / service or whatever. This method doesn’t need to be implemented. E.g. the file system didn’t need it.
Close the connection to the server / service … This method too doesn’t have to be implemented.
In here you define the actual logic of the uploader. If you do not implement this method in your custom uploader there will be an NotImplementedError raised, when used.

Thank you for using @XenianBot.


Multifunctional Telegram Bot







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  • Mako 1.3%
  • Shell 0.2%