This repository contains code for my term project for Structure and Dynamics of Complex Networks, AIT Spring Semester 2016. In this project, I analyze the r obustness of a number of network datasets to random and targeted attacks using Networkx. The simulation attacks these networks in a number of different ways. These are:
- Randomly removing nodes from the network
- Removing nodes in descending order of degree
- Randomly selecting a node, then moving randomly along edges removing neighbors
- Randomly selecting a node, then moving along edges towards the highest-degree node.
I also compare the results of the attacks on a given network to a comparable Erdos-Renyi network and a network generated by the configuration model. I plot the results of these attacks using Matplotlib in a Jupyter Notebook.
- A small network of a business organization.yeast
- A mid-size network of a yeast transcription protein.wag
- A larger network of word associations.facebook
- An anonymized network of Facebook social circles. Available from SNAP.enron
- An email network from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's investigation of Enron. Available from SNAP.faa
- A flight network of the FAA's Preferred Routes Database. Available from KONECT.powergrid
- An infrastructure network of the power grid of the western United States. Available from KONECT.ecoli
- A biological network of the protein links found in E. Coli. Available from String DB
- Zachary Friedlander