Actor extension:
var Int by ActorAttribute({ 3 })
val Actor.flying : Boolean get() = position.y in 0f..ground
ESC on RELEASED does togglePaused
A on PRESSED does ifNot(paused) { player moveLeft step play playerMoveAnimation() }
S on PRESSED does ifNot(paused) { player play "crouch" }
D on PRESSED does ifNot(paused) { player moveRight step play playerMoveAnimation() }
A on RELEASED does playerStand
S on RELEASED does playerStand
D on RELEASED does playerStand
To build/run the demo game: ./gradlew run
./gradlew distZip
, and run by CD'ing into the bin directory and executing the run script from there. NOTE: if building for Mac, uncomment the jvm args in build.gradle.