The default Gatsby starter.
For an overview of the project structure please refer to the Gatsby documentation - Building with Components.
Make sure that you have the Gatsby CLI program installed:
npm install --global gatsby-cli
And run from your CLI:
gatsby new gatsby-example-site
Then you can run it by:
cd gatsby-example-site
npm run develop
# allDataYaml {
# edges {
# node {
# person {
# name
# title
# }
# }
# }
# }
# allMarkdownRemark(limit: 100, filter: {frontmatter: {path: {regex: "/(workshops|nosateliers)/[a-z]/i"}}}) {
# edges {
# node {
# frontmatter {
# path
# title
# }
# }
# }
# }
allMarkdownRemark(limit: 100, filter: {frontmatter: {path: {regex: "/^(?!/blog/)/"}}}) {
edges {
node {
excerpt(pruneLength: 180)
frontmatter {
# }
# site {
# siteMetadata {
# title_fr
# description_fr
# title_en
# description_en
# }
# }