Ng2-rest-api - is a rest api provider for angular 2 for http actions request to server and instantiate models.
- Describe api to define endpoints and actions
- Improves code-reusability by separating configuration from code that does actual work.
- That simplifies common GET, POST, DELETE, and UPDATE requests.
- Use a parameterized URLs.
- Easy headers read.
- Cache requests (todo)
If you need - you can get plain text response (It is sometimes convenient, but do not overdo it)
For Angular 1:
To install this library, run:
$ npm install ng2-rest-api --save
- Describe models
- Create config
- Add to @NgModule and execute static method configure.
- Advice: use ApiProvider only in managers/services not from controllers.
- Enjoy!
You should describe endpoints and http Actions. Ng2-rest-api already had config for popular actions (get(GET),query(GET, array), update(PUT), patch(PATCH), remove(DELETE)). But if you need you can override them and add any others.
interface ApiConfig {
baseUrl: string, // e.g.
endpoints: Endpoint[]
interface Endpoint {
name: OpaqueToken; // The name of emdpoint.
route: string; // A parameterized part of URL
model?: any; // {Object} - model on which will be mapped response, if no - return JSON object.
actions?: Action[]; // Hash with declaration of custom actions that will be available in addition to the default set of default actions.
route -
A parameterized part of URL template with parameters prefixed by : as in /user/:username
If you are using a url with a suffix, just add the suffix, like this:
or '/:id.json'
or even '/resource/:resource_id.:format'
If the parameter before the suffix is empty, :resource_id
in this case, then the /.
will be collapsed down to a single ..
If you need this sequence to appear and not collapse then you can escape it with /\.
interface Action {
name: string, // The name of action.
method: string, // Case insensitive HTTP method (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, JSONP, etc).
instantiateModel?: boolean, // need do instatiate model ? default - true; if no - return plain text response.
isArray?: boolean, // If true then the returned object for this action is an array,
headersForReading?: Array<string>, // Headers which need read
params?: any, // Optional set of pre-bound parameters for this action
cache?: any // todo
params -
Default values for url parameters. These can be overridden in actions methods.
If a parameter value is a function, it will be called every time a param value needs to be obtained for a request (unless the param was overridden).
The function will be passed the current data value as an argument.
Each key value in the parameter object is first bound to url template if present and then any excess keys are appended to the url search query after the ?.
Given a template /path/:verb
and parameter {verb:'greet', salutation:'Hello'}
results in URL /path/greet?salutation=Hello
If the parameter value is prefixed with @
, then the value for that parameter will be extracted from the corresponding property on the data object (provided when calling a "non-GET" action method).
For example, if the defaultParam object is {someParam: '@someProp'}
then the value of someParam will be data.someProp.
Note that the parameter will be ignored, when calling a "GET" action method (i.e. an action method that does not accept a request body)
// api: ApiProvider
// endpointName: {OpaqueToken} - endpoint name from config.
// actionName: {string} - default action name or any from config.
// body: {object} - body data for POST request. If is GET request body use as params
// params: {object} - additional params which will be mixed with pre-bound parameters for this action and override them if will has the same key.
this.api.endpoint(endpointName).action(actionName', body, params);
import {Image} from 'api/models/Image';
export class Post {
id?: number;
title: string;
description: string;
content: string;
image: Image | any;
constructor({id, title, description, content, image}:
{id?: number, title: string, description: string, content: string, image: Image|any}) { = id;
this.title = title;
this.description = description;
this.content = content;
this.image = new Image(image);
beforeSave() {
if (this.image) {
this.image =;
import {OpaqueToken} from "@angular/core";
import {Post} from "api/models/Post";
// endpoints
export const POSTS = new OpaqueToken('POSTS');
// config
export const apiConfig = {
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
endpoints: [
name: POSTS,
model: Post,
route: '/posts/:id',
actions: [
name: 'query',
method: 'GET',
isArray: true,
headersForReading: ['X-Total-Count'],
params: {limit: 10}
import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {FormsModule} from '@angular/forms';
import {HttpModule} from '@angular/http';
import {AppComponent} from './app.component';
import {MainComponent} from './endpoints/main/main.component';
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
import {routes} from './app.routes'
import {TypingCarouselDirective} from "./endpoints/main/typing-carousel.directive";
import {LoaderComponent} from './shared/loader/loader.component';
import {Ng2RestApiModule, ApiProvider} from "ng2-rest-api";
import {apiConfig} from "api/config";
import {PostsManager} from './api/services/PostsManager';
import { PostsComponent } from './endpoints/posts/posts.component';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [ApiProvider, PostsManager],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
import {ApiProvider} from "ng2-rest-api";
import {POSTS} from "api/config";
import {Injectable} from "@angular/core";
import {Post} from "api/models/Post";
export class PostsManager {
constructor(private api: ApiProvider) {
getPost(id: number) {
return this.api.endpoint(POSTS).action('get', {id});
queryPosts(query: string, offset: number) {
return this.api.endpoint(POSTS).action('query', {query, offset});
savePost(post: Post) {
return ? this.api.endpoint(POSTS).action('update', post) : this.api.endpoint(POSTS).action('save', post);
import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import {PostsManager} from 'api/services/PostsManager';
import {Post} from 'api/models/Post';
import {Image} from 'api/models/Image';
selector: 'app-post',
templateUrl: './post.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./post.component.scss']
export class PostComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private postsManager: PostsManager) {}
example() {
// search 'evolution' posts with offset = 0
this.postsManager.queryPosts('evolution', 0).subscribe(([posts, headers]) => { = headers['X-Total-Count'];
this.posts = posts;
console.log('Response', this.posts, 'X-Total-Count',;
// get post with id 1
this.postsManager.getPost(1).subscribe(post => {
console.log('SINGLE', post);
// update post
post.content = 'updated content';
this.postsManager.savePost(post).subscribe(p => console.log('updated'));
// create new post
this.postsManager.savePost(new Post({
title: 'test',
description: "test",
content: 'test',
image: new Image({id: 1, src: ''})
})).subscribe(p => console.log('saved'));
- Improve documentation.
- Cache
- Add tests
- Method to set headers for all actions, and for specific. (Authorization token etc.)
Will be implemented soon.