The service acts as a REST web service for clients and as a DHCP relay to the DHCP server.
Therefore, it's possible to request IPs for more than one hostname or MAC address.
A REST web service gateway to a DHCP server
rest2dhcp [flags]
rest2dhcp [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
version Show the version info
-a, --access-log Print access log messages (default true)
-c, --client ip Local IP for DHCP relay client
--config string Config file (default is $HOME/rest2dhcp.yaml)
-S, --dhcp-server string DHCP server name
-d, --dhcp-timeout duration DHCP query timeout (default 5s)
-h, --help help for rest2dhcp
-H, --hostname string Hostname to listen on
-k, --kubeconfig string (optional) absolute path to the kubeconfig file (default "/home/dil/.kube/config")
-m, --mode string DHCP connection mode: udp, dual, fritzbox, packet, broken (default "auto")
-n, --namespace string Kubernetes namespace (default "default")
-p, --port uint16 Port to listen on (default 8080)
-q, --quiet Only access log messages
-r, --relay ip Relay IP for DHCP relay client
-x, --retry duration DHCP retry time (default 15s)
-s, --server ip DHCP server ip
-K, --service string Kubernetes service name
-t, --timeout duration Service query timeout (default 30s)
-v, --verbose Verbose messages
Parameter | Env Variable | Description | Default |
client | CLIENT | IP of the local DHCP listener | IP to default gateway |
server | SERVER | IP of the remote DHCP server | Default gateway |
relay | RELAY | Published DHCP relay IP | Client IP |
hostname | HOSTNAME | Hostname to listen on | |
port | PORT | Port of the web listener | 8080 |
mode | MODE | Connection mode | auto |
timeout | TIMEOUT | Web service timeout | 30s |
dhcp-timeout | DHCP_TIMEOUT | DHCP response timeout | 5s |
retry | RETRY | Wait time before retry | 15s |
Unfortunately, the DHCP relay implementations are often very buggy or have some strange DoS protections. The gateway has four different implementations for the DHCP connection and an auto-detection.
Mode | Description | Test system |
auto | A very simple auto-detection (only for development and testing) | |
udp | A UDP connection using port 67 for incoming and outgoing traffic | openwrt-19.07 ISC DHCP |
dual | Like the UDP connection, but with a UDP packet connection for outgoing traffic | openwrt-19.07 ISC DHCP |
fritzbox | A UDP packet connection sending DHCP packages with increasing src ports to port 67 and a UDP listener on port 67 | Fritz!Box 7590 |
packet | A packet listener using port 67 for incoming and port 67 for outgoing traffic | openwrt-19.07 ISC DHCP |
broken | A packet listener using port 68 for incoming and port 67 for outgoing traffic | Android 10 WiFi hotspot |
Openwrt needs a very long time to respond on an IP request for an unknown host. It seems to be part of the DoS protection. Therefore, the timeout must be selected large enough.
A Fritzbox will not respond if the time between two DHCP relay requests with the same source port is less than 15 seconds. Therefore, the fritzbox connector increases the source port after each request.
The Android WiFi hotspot Android incorrectly sends responses to DHCP relay requests to port 68.
You can also use rest2dhcp as a docker-container.
SERVER=`IP of the DHCP server`
RELAY=`External IP of Docker host`
docker run -e SERVER=$SERVER -e RELAY=$RELAY -e MODE=udp -p 8080:8080 -p 67:67/udp zauberhaus/rest2dhcp
You can use curl to test the server
curl http://localhost:8080/version
and should get a result like this
buildDate: 2020-08-20T23:08:04UTC
compiler: gc
gitCommit: 8af5609
gitTreeState: dirty
gitVersion: v0.9.22
goVersion: go1.14.7
platform: linux/amd64
mode: packet
The service provides an online documentation under the following url:
package main
import (
func main() {
cl := client.NewClient("http://localhost:8080")
version, err := cl.Version(context.Background())
if err != nil {
lease, err := cl.Lease(context.Background(), "test", nil)
if err != nil {
lease, err = cl.Renew(context.Background(), lease.Hostname, lease.Mac, lease.IP)
if err != nil {
err = cl.Release(context.Background(), lease.Hostname, lease.Mac, lease.IP)
if err != nil {
- Linux
- Go 1.14
- Docker
sudo ./scripts/
The script creates a folder ./build with the executable