The Todo Application is a mobile application that allows users to manage their daily tasks and to-do lists. It incorporates Firebase for authentication (both email and Google authentication) and Firestore to store and sync task data across devices.
- Firebase Email Authentication: Users can create an account and log in using their email and password. Firebase handles user authentication securely.
- Google Authentication: Users can also log in using their Google accounts, providing a convenient and seamless authentication option.
- Create Tasks: Users can create tasks by providing a title, description, and due date. These tasks are then stored in the Firebase Firestore database.
- View Tasks: Users can view their tasks on the main screen, organized by their due dates.
- Update Tasks: Users can edit task details, including the title, description, and due date.
- Delete Tasks: Users can remove tasks from their list when they are completed or no longer relevant.
- Mark Tasks as Completed: Users can mark tasks as completed, making it easier to track their progress.
- Real-time Data Sync: Task data is stored in Firebase Firestore, ensuring that changes made on one device are instantly reflected on all connected devices, providing a seamless and consistent experience.
Before you start, make sure you have the following installed:
- Flutter SDK: You can download and install Flutter from the official Flutter website.
- Firebase Account: You need to create a Firebase project and configure it with your Flutter app. Follow the Firebase setup instructions in the Firebase documentation.
- Flutter IDE: You can use Android Studio with the Flutter plugin, Visual Studio Code with the Flutter extension, or any other Flutter-compatible IDE.
- Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone - Navigate to the project directory:
cd FI-A3-Todo-App - Install the project dependencies:
flutter pub get - Configure Firebase:
- Follow the Firebase setup instructions to add your Firebase project configuration files to the project.
- Make sure to enable Email/Password and Google sign-in methods in your Firebase Authentication settings.
- Run the app:
flutter run
Here's a brief overview of the project's folder structure:
- lib: Contains the Dart source code for the Flutter app.
- screens: Contains the app's screens (e.g., login, task list, task detail).
- models: Defines the data models used in the app.
- services: Contains Firebase services for authentication and Firestore data management.
- widgets: Custom widgets used in the app.
- android: Contains the Android-specific configuration files.
- ios: Contains the iOS-specific configuration files.
- test: Contains unit and widget tests for the app.
Contributions to this project are welcome. If you'd like to contribute, please follow these guidelines:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make your changes and submit a pull request.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.