Go Metrics Library with support for Graphite, InfluxDB, Prometheus, StatsD, and AppOptics. This is a lively fork of RCrowley's go-metrics including updated backend drivers, support for labels/tags, and various optimizations.
Download as a Go module dependency:
go get github.com/zeim839/go-metrics-plus
Import into your project:
import "github.com/zeim839/go-metrics-plus"
c := metrics.NewCounter(nil)
metrics.Register("foo", c)
g := metrics.NewGauge(metrics.Labels{"key":"value"})
metrics.Register("bar", g)
r := NewRegistry()
g := metrics.NewRegisteredFunctionalGauge("cache-evictions", r, func() int64 {
return cache.getEvictionsCount()
}, metrics.Labels{"key":"value"})
s := metrics.NewExpDecaySample(1028, 0.015) // or metrics.NewUniformSample(1028)
h := metrics.NewHistogram(s, nil)
metrics.Register("baz", h)
m := metrics.NewMeter(nil)
metrics.Register("quux", m)
t := metrics.NewTimer(nil)
metrics.Register("bang", t)
t.Time(func() {})
Register() is not threadsafe. For threadsafe metric registration use GetOrRegister:
t := metrics.GetOrRegisterTimer("account.create.latency", nil, nil)
t.Time(func() {})
Periodically log every metric in human-readable form to standard error:
import (
// Log the DefaultRegistry to stdout every second.
go logging.Logger(logging.Encode, metrics.DefaultRegistry, time.Second, "some.prefix"
- AppOptics: Documentation.
- Graphite: Documentation.
- InfluxDB: Documentation.
- Stdout/syslog: Documentation.
- Prometheus: Documentation.
- StatsD: Documentation.
Thank you for considering to contribute to go-metrics-plus. We accept contributions from anyone on the internet.
If you'd like to propose a new feature or report an issue, please do so in the GitHub issues section. If you'd like to contribute documentation or code, then please fork, fix, commit, and send a pull request. A maintainer will then review and merge your changes to the codebase. Pull requests must be opened on the 'master' branch.
Please make sure your contributions adhere to our coding guidelines:
- Code must adhere to the official Go formatting guidelines (i.e uses gofmt).
- Code must be documented adhering to the official Go commentary guidelines.
- Pull requests need to be based on and opened against the
This project is an amalgamation of various open-source projects. You may assume that each directory in the source tree represents a separate package distribution, with its corresponding license documented in a LICENSE.md file contained within the directory.
The root directory is governed by go-metrics's original project license, reproduced in LICENSE.md.