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Shawn edited this page May 30, 2024 · 1 revision

Pokemon Damage Calculation Generation II (pokemon_damage_II)

This function calculates the damage inflicted during a Pokemon battle. It uses the formula from Generation II.


  • level The level of the attacking Pokemon.
  • attackStat The effective Attack stat of the attacking Pokemon.
  • defenseStat The effective Defense stat of the target Pokemon.
  • power The power of the used move.
  • effectiveness The product of Type, and Type2.
  • stab Logical. If TRUE, add the same type attack bonus.
  • item Logical. If TRUE, the attacker is holding an type-enhancing held item corresponding to the attack type. Default is FALSE.
  • critical Logical. If TRUE, it''s a critical hit. Default is FALSE.
  • TK Numeric. It is 1, 2, or 3 for each successive hit of Triple Kick, or always 1 if the used move is not Triple Kick.
  • weather Numeric. It is 1.5 if a Water-type move is being used during rain or a Fire-type move during harsh sunlight, and 0.5 if a Water-type move is used during harsh sunlight or SolarBeam or any Fire-type move during rain, and 1 otherwise.
  • badge Logical. If TRUE, the attacking Pokémon is controlled by the player and if the player has obtained the Badge corresponding to the used move''s type. Default is FALSE.
  • moveMod Numeric. It can be (and if the used move is not any of these, MoveMod is 1): If Rollout is used, 2 * (n + d), where n is the amount of successful and consecutive hits of the move, up to 4 (for the fifth hit), and d is 1 if Defense Curl was used beforehand and 0 otherwise. If Fury Cutter is used, 2^n, where n is the number of successful and consecutive uses of the move, up to 4. If Rage is used, an integer value corresponding to the Rage counter, i.e. the number of times the user of Rage has been damaged by an attack while using Rage.
  • doubleDmg Logical. If TRUE, it is 2 if the used move is Pursuit and the target is attempting to switch out, Stomp and the target has previously used Minimize, Gust or Twister and the target is in the semi-invulnerable turn of Fly, or Earthquake or Magnitude and the target is in the semi-invulnerable turn of Dig, and 1 otherwise.
  • random Character string. If "yes", a random uniformly distributed integer between 217 and 255 is used. If "minmax", the min and max values are returned. If anything else, the average is used. Default is "yes".
  • return The calculated damage.


  item = FALSE,
  critical = FALSE,
  TK = 1,
  weather = 1,
  badge = FALSE,
  stab = FALSE,
  moveMod = 1,
  doubleDmg = FALSE,
  random = "yes"
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