This repo provides the dataset and code for reproducing the experiments in paper ---- Mineral Identification Based on Deep Learning That Combines Image and Mohs Hardness.
- We crawled 36 species of mineral images from the mindat website, a total of 183,688 images.
- The specific species are as follows: Agate, Albite, Almandine, Anglesite, Azurite, Beryl, Cassiterite, Chalcopyrite, Cinnabar, Copper, Demantoid, Diopside, Elbaite, Epidote, Fluorite, Galena, Gold, Halite, Hematite, Magnetite, Malachite, Marcasite, Opal, Orpiment, Pyrite, Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Ruby, Sapphire, Schorl, Sphalerite, Stibnite, Sulphur, Topaz, Torbernite, Wulfenite.
- pytorch
If you have only one GPU, you can run
directly.# in bash python
# in bash python
If you have more than one GPU, you can use distributed training.
# in bash # nproc_per_node is your GPU nums python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2
# in bash # nproc_per_node is your GPU nums python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2
An app on smartphones using our trained model is implemented.
For the Android or ios version, you can search "mineral identification" in Google Play or Apple's app store. And you can also visit link Android version and ios version directly.