Lazy loading scripts in an Angular 2 lazy loaded module? No probs!
$ npm install ngx-asyncscripts
Import the Service
import { NgXAsyncScripts } from 'ngx-asyncscripts';
Use in your component
For the second parameter of your dependencies array, you can use css or js
Provide any additional attributes in the third parameter as an object
export class AppComponent {
constructor(private asnycScriptsService: NgXAsyncScripts)
* Loads all the dependencies before proceeding
* @type {Array<Array<string | string | any>>}
let dependencies = [
["<DEPENDENCY_URL", "js"],
["<DEPENDENCY_URL", "css"],
["<DEPENDENCY_URL", "js", {"data-cfasync": "false"}],
* Load services and return a promise.
* Do stuff after promise resolves
}, function(error){