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MercadoLibre API Client

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Official documentation and how to use the MercadoLibre API can be found at


Using composer

composer require zephia/mercadolibre



// Instantiate serializer with configurations.
$serializer = \JMS\Serializer\SerializerBuilder::create()
   ->addMetadataDir(__DIR__ . '/../../resources/config/serializer')
// Instantiate client.
$client = new Zephia\MercadoLibre\Client\MercadoLibreClient(

// Call show user.
$ml_response = $client->showUser(1);


// object(Zephia\MercadoLibre\Entity\User)

MercadoLibre API resources:

Overstriked resources are not available yet in this package. Contributions will be appreciated.

Users & Apps

  • /users/{Cust_id}?access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN User account information. GET PUT

    Get user information.


    Update user information

  • /users/me Returns account information about the authenticated user. GET

    Get information about the authenticated user.

  • /users/{Cust_id}/addresses?access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN Returns addresses registered by the user. GET

    Get user addresses.

  • /users/{Cust_id}/accepted_payment_methods Returns payment methods accepted by a seller to collect its operations. GET

    Get accepted payment methods by user.

  • /applications/{application_id}?ACCESS_TOKEN Returns information about the application. GET

    Get application details.

  • /users/{User_id}/brands This resource retrieves brands associated to an user_id. The official_store_id attribute identifies a store. GET

    Get brands by user.

  • /users/{User_id}/classifieds_promotion_packs?access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN Manage user promotion packs. GET POST

    Get promotions packs engaged by user.


    Creates a new Promotion Pack for the user.

  • /users/{user_id}/classifieds_promotion_packs/{listing_type}&categoryId={category_id}?acces_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN Availability for the user to list under a given Listing Type and category according to packages engaged. GET

    Get the availability Listing Type availability by user and category.

  • /projects?access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN Manage projects. GET POST PUT DELETE

    Get all applications associated to a project

    Create a new project.

    Update a project.

    Remove a project.

  • /projects/{Project_id}/applications?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN_APP_OWNER Manage applications & projects. POST DELETE

    Save an application under your project.

    Remove an application from your project.

  • /users/{Cust_id}/available_listing_types?category_id={Category_id}&access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN Listing types availability by user and category. GET

    Get available listing types.

  • /users/{Cust_id}/available_listing_type/{listing_type_id}?category_id={Category_id}&access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN Retrieves availability to list under a listing type for a given category. GET

    Get category availability.

  • /users/{User_id}/applications/{App_id}?access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN Application permissions. DELETE

    Revoke permissions to an application.

  • /myfeeds?app_id={App_id} Notifications history. GET

    Get historic of notifications by App.

Categories & Listings

  • /sites Retrieves information about the sites where MercadoLibre runs. GET

    Get all sites.

  • /site_domains/{Site_domain_url} Returns information about the domain. GET

    Get domain information.

  • /sites/{Site_id}/listing_types Returns information about listing types. GET

    Get listing types by site.

  • /sites/{Site_id}/listing_exposures Returns different exposure levels associated with all listing types in MercadoLibre. GET

    Get listing exposures by site.

  • /sites/{Site_id}/listing_prices?price={Price} Returns the listing price for selling and buying in MercadoLibre. GET

    Get listing prices.

  • /sites/{Site_id}/categories Returns available categories in the site. GET

    Get the category tree by site

  • /categories/{Category_id} Returns information about a category. GET

    Get category details.

  • /categories/{Category_id}/attributes Displays attributes and rules over them in order to describe the items that are stored in each category. GET

    Get category attributes.

  • /sites/{Site_id}/category_predictor/predict Category predictor. Retrieves the most accurate category to list your item basing on it’s title. GET

    Predict category.

    $client->categoryPredict('MLA', 'Fiat Uno');
  • /categories/{Category_id}/classifieds_promotion_packs Retrieves classified promotion packs by category. GET

    Get classified promotion packs by category

Locations & Currencies

  • /countries Returns countries information. GET

    Get information about countries.

  • /countries/{Country_id} Returns country information by country_id. GET

    Get country detail

  • /states/{State_id} Returns state information. GET

    Get state information.

  • /cities/{City_id} Returns city information. GET

    Get city information.

  • /currencies Returns information about all available currencies in MercadoLibre. GET

    Get currencies information.

  • /currencies/{Currency_id} Returns information about available currencies in MercadoLibre by currency_id. GET

    Get currency details.

  • /currency_conversions/search?from={Currency_id}&to={Currency_id} Retrieves the conversion ratio between currencies that MercadoLibre uses in calculations. GET

    Get ratio conversion between currencies.

  • /countries/{Country_id}/zip_codes/{Zip_code} Retrieves data for the location of the zip code entered. GET

    Get location information by zip code.

  • /country/{Country_id}/zip_codes/search_between?zip_code_from={zip_code_from}&zip_code_to={zip_code_to} Retrieve all zip codes for a country_id between two given zip codes. GET

    Get all zip codes between two given values of zip codes.

Items & Searches

  • /items Allows listing items. POST

    List an item in MercadoLibre.

    $item = new Zephia\MercadoLibre\Entity\Item;
  • /items/{Item_id} Allows managing listings GET PUT

    Get item details.


    Update an item.

  • /items/validate Validate the JSON before posting an item. POST

    Validate your JSON.

  • /items/{Item_id}/available_upgrades Returns available listing types to upgrade an item posure. GET

    Get available upgrades.

  • /items/{Item_id}/relist Allows to relist an item. GET

    Relist your item.

  • /items/{Item_id}/pictures/{picture_id} Manage item pictures. GET DELETE

    Get pictures in all it sizes.

    Delete a picture.

  • /items/{Item_id}/pictures Add and update pictures on your item. GET PUT

    Post a picture.

    Update items pictures.

  • /items/{Item_id}/description Manage description for an item. GET PUT

    Get item description.

    Update item description.

  • /sites/{Site_id}/search?q=ipod Retrieves items from a search query. GET


  • /sites/{Site_id}/searchUrl?q=ipod Search for any item in MercadoLibre. It will return an array of items url that match the search criteria. GET

    Search items Url by query.

  • /sites/MLA/search?category={Category_id}&official_store_id=all Search for all items listed by Official Stores for a given category. GET

    Search Official Store items.

  • /sites/{Site_id}/hot_items/search?limit=5&category={Category_id} Retrieves an array of hot items from a specified category by parameter. Works only with the first level of categories. GET

    Search hot items.

  • /sites/{Site_id}/featured_items/HP-{Category_Id} Retrieves an array of featured items. The featured items are items that have a special posure at home page or categories page. You can use only HP for products of home or HP-{categId} for featured by category. Only works with first level of categories. GET

    Get items featured on the home by it’s category.

  • /sites/{Site_id}/trends/search?category={Category_id} Retrieve an array of the trends items from the category specified by parameter. GET

    Get trends by category

  • /sites/{Site_id}/search?seller_id={Seller_id}&category={Category_id}&access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN Search items by seller_id for a category. GET

    Get items by seller id and cateogyr id.

  • /users/{Cust_id}/items/search?access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN Retrieves user’s listings. GET

    Get user’s listings

  • /items/{Item_id}/product_identifiers/ Retrieves the product identifier codes associated to your item. GET PUT

    Get item product identifiers.

    Update product identifiers

  • /items/{Item_id}/variations Manage item’s variations. GET POST

    Get item’s variations.

    Create a variation for your item.

  • /items/{Item_id}/variations/{Variation_id} Manage variations. GET PUT DELETE

    Get variation details.

    Update a variation.

    Delete a variation.

  • /users/{Cust_id}/items/search?sku={seller_custom_field}&status=active&access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN Search item by SKU. Filter item by status. GET

    Search item by SKU. Filter item by status.